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by costa
Sat 19 Dec 2015 04:58
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: Access violation at address 07F132BF in module 'dbexpoda40.dll'
Replies: 3
Views: 12503

Re: Access violation at address 07F132BF in module 'dbexpoda40.dll'

OCI mode. The error occurs either when closing a TClientDataSet or while applying some updates in a TClientDataSet.
by costa
Fri 18 Dec 2015 01:37
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: running side by side apps with different versions of the devart dbexpress oracle driver?
Replies: 1
Views: 5782

running side by side apps with different versions of the devart dbexpress oracle driver?

We have a requirement where we might have to run two versions of the same app on the same workstation. The problem is that one version uses version 6.3.6 of the Devart dbexpress oracle driver, and the other one uses version 6.7.10.

Is it doable? Our setup puts the dbexpoda40.dll to the c:\windows\system32 directory.

Thank you
by costa
Fri 18 Dec 2015 00:46
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: Access violation at address 07F132BF in module 'dbexpoda40.dll'
Replies: 3
Views: 12503

Access violation at address 07F132BF in module 'dbexpoda40.dll'

Hi, guys:

Our app (32 bit) uses Delphi XE5, devart dbexpress driver for Oracle version 6.3.6, Oracle 10g.

I don't have too much information on this one, but one of our users got this access violation. I tried to reproduce it in my own development environment but I could not. In production they use the application over Terminal Services on a windows 2008 server.

My question to you is this: in your experience did you see any issues running apps over terminal services?

I know I provide close to nothing information :( , but I was curious to see if you've seen issues related to the fact that the apps were running over terminal services, which means the same oracle client is used by multiple users at the same time. One would think it should not have an effect but you never know.

by costa
Fri 11 Sep 2015 18:03
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: Exception class EDatabaseError with message 'qryTest: Type mismatch for field 'KEY', expecting: FMTBcdField
Replies: 4
Views: 5350

Re: Exception class EDatabaseError with message 'qryTest: Type mismatch for field 'KEY', expecting: FMTBcdField


I reproduced this issue for you in a separate sample than our app. Here is all the information:
- Oracle 10g version: 32 bit running on linux RH
- Oracle 12c version: 64 bit running on Oracle Linux 7
- devart dbexpress Oracle driver 6.6.9
- windows app 32 bit
- Delphi XE8 SP1 running onw windows 7 64 bit SP1

This is the sql that you have to run in both databases before you run the test app:

Code: Select all

--drop table TEST_CODE1_TB;

--drop table TEST_CODE2_TB;

create table TEST_CODE1_TB (CD NUMBER(2) NULL);

create table TEST_CODE2_TB (CD NUMBER(2)  NULL);




-- drop public synonym TEST_CODE_TB_SYN;

create or replace view test_code_v
 with x as (
   select * from TEST_CODE2_TB
      WHEN T1.CD < 0 THEN T1.CD      
      when = 0 then
      when < 10 then null 
      ELSE cast('-1' as number(2)) 
    END) AS NUMBER(2)) AS Val
  FROM TEST_CODE1_TB T1 cross join x T2;
This particular sql view is contrived however it mirrors somewhat the production code.

- You need to add this in the dbxconnections.ini (add the name of your db and your user name - start with Oracle 10g):

Code: Select all

DataBase=<tnsnames.ora entry>
Oracle TransIsolation=ReadCommitted
User_Name=<user name>
- Delphi code:
MainUnit.dfm (replace xxx with the proper information):

Code: Select all

object Form1: TForm1
  Left = 0
  Top = 0
  Caption = 'Form1'
  ClientHeight = 412
  ClientWidth = 852
  Color = clBtnFace
  Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  Font.Color = clWindowText
  Font.Height = -11
  Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
  Font.Style = []
  OldCreateOrder = False
  OnCreate = FormCreate
  PixelsPerInch = 96
  TextHeight = 13
  object DBGrid1: TDBGrid
    Left = 288
    Top = 64
    Width = 320
    Height = 120
    DataSource = DataSource1
    TabOrder = 0
    TitleFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    TitleFont.Color = clWindowText
    TitleFont.Height = -11
    TitleFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
    TitleFont.Style = []
  object SQLQuery1: TSQLQuery
    MaxBlobSize = -1
    Params = <>
    SQL.Strings = (
      'select * from test_code_v')
    SQLConnection = SQLConnection1
    Left = 56
    Top = 344
    object SQLQuery1VAL: TFMTBCDField
      FieldName = 'VAL'
      Precision = 32
  object DataSource1: TDataSource
    DataSet = ClientDataSet1
    Left = 80
    Top = 160
  object DataSetProvider1: TDataSetProvider
    DataSet = SQLQuery1
    Left = 80
    Top = 272
  object ClientDataSet1: TClientDataSet
    Aggregates = <>
    Params = <>
    ProviderName = 'DataSetProvider1'
    Left = 80
    Top = 216
  object SQLConnection1: TSQLConnection
    ConnectionName = 'TestDB'
    DriverName = 'DevartOracle'
    Params.Strings = (
      'Oracle TransIsolation=ReadCommitted'
    Connected = True
    Left = 80
    Top = 104

Code: Select all

unit MainUnit;


  Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,
  Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, DBXDevartOracle, Data.DB, Data.SqlExpr, Data.FMTBcd, Vcl.Grids, Vcl.DBGrids,
  Datasnap.DBClient, Datasnap.Provider;

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    SQLQuery1: TSQLQuery;
    DataSource1: TDataSource;
    DataSetProvider1: TDataSetProvider;
    ClientDataSet1: TClientDataSet;
    DBGrid1: TDBGrid;
    SQLConnection1: TSQLConnection;
    SQLQuery1VAL: TFMTBCDField;
    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    { Private declarations }
    { Public declarations }

  Form1: TForm1;


{$R *.dfm}

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
 SQLConnection1.Connected := true;
 ClientDataSet1.Active := true;
I haven't added the project dpr and droj files but basically I created a VCL forms application.

The crux of the issue is that, when using 10g and adding adding all fields to the TSQLQuery component, the driver stores the precision of the VAL column as 32! And here is the interesting thing. It is because of the WITH clause in the view. If you re-write the view query without the with clause, the precision/scale are detected properly, i.e. 2/0. In 12c apparently they fixed it and it works even with the WITH clause.

One more thing, when you test adding the field to the TSQLQuery component make sure you disconnect the TSQLConnection object first. It seems that Delphi caches the field and it doesn't really re-retrieve the field meta-data from the database.

Let me know if now you can reproduce the issue, otherwise I will provide more information if you need it.

by costa
Thu 10 Sep 2015 23:57
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: Exception class EDatabaseError with message 'qryTest: Type mismatch for field 'KEY', expecting: FMTBcdField
Replies: 4
Views: 5350

Re: Exception class EDatabaseError with message 'qryTest: Type mismatch for field 'KEY', expecting: FMTBcdField

Just an update, it seems that changing the type to TBCDField and adding the Precision and Size types manually in the dfm file fixes the issue. However, now when I try to connect to Oracle 10g I get an error because it is expecting TFMTBCDField!

What I think it happens is that in Oracle 12c the meta-data returns the correct precision/size for the column while in 10g it doesn't. Before the change, the Precision was 32! Interesting enough, the column comes from a view and it is computed through a case statement expression, however, it is cast to NUMBER(2).

Any other ideas?
by costa
Thu 10 Sep 2015 23:13
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: Exception class EDatabaseError with message 'qryTest: Type mismatch for field 'KEY', expecting: FMTBcdField
Replies: 4
Views: 5350

Exception class EDatabaseError with message 'qryTest: Type mismatch for field 'KEY', expecting: FMTBcdField


I am having the issue described here:

I am using the 6.6.9 version of the driver, Delphi XE8. The same app, when connected to an Oracle 10g database works fine but when connected to an Oracle 12c it barfs on a NUMBER(2) field with the error in the title.

Is there a solution to this, other than refreshing the fields for each dataset that has this issue?

Why is this inconsistency?

by costa
Mon 21 Apr 2014 22:45
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: devart driver runs an extra child query
Replies: 0
Views: 2404

devart driver runs an extra child query


To test reproduce this issue please use this project: ... I used XE5 and the latest version of the devart dbexpress driver for oracle (6.3.6).

These are the steps:

1. Open the project in XE5. Modify the connection properties to point to your own oracle database. The queries don't need any table and they create rows on the fly. You may also have to reconfigure the location of the sql monitor trace file.
2. Open dbmonitor (the tool from your site that comes with the driver).
3. Run the project.
4. Go to the dbmonitor window. There is an extra query to retrieve child records. See the screenshot below and the selected query. The parameter value is 0 which is the value that was set at design time. This query is redundant. If you change the driver to the dbexpress Oracle driver you'll notice that no such query is executed (check the c:\temp\dbexpress_log.txt file, that is the sql monitor trace file). The next query retrieves the child data associated with the first row (parent id=1).

When you have lots of child datasets the driver will execute a dummy query for each child dataset which can affect the performance of the application.


What can be done to get rid of this redundant query?

One more thing to add, the query for the child dataset in this sample project is contrived, in the real app it has the pattern: select * from some_view where parent_id = :ID.

by costa
Wed 12 Mar 2014 00:17
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: What is a cursor in the dbMonitor Object tree?
Replies: 4
Views: 3281

Re: What is a cursor in the dbMonitor Object tree?

I don't have anything to add to this. My questions required some clarification about what we see in the dbmonitor.
by costa
Wed 12 Mar 2014 00:16
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: Passing array to a stored procedure
Replies: 12
Views: 6244

Re: Passing array to a stored procedure

Alex, could you please be more specific, what is exactly that the dbexpress technology is restricting or it doesn't support?

Thank you
by costa
Tue 04 Mar 2014 02:21
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: Passing array to a stored procedure
Replies: 12
Views: 6244

Re: Passing array to a stored procedure

I read the source code and I don't think it is supported. I basically looked at TCRSQLCommand.setParamDescValue. It doesn't handle the dtTable type parameters.

But how hard can it be to add support for TABLE types? The TOCIMetaData.GetProcedureParameters returns the type of table for Table type parameters. Is there anything else needed?

I would like to use this thread to request support for this type of parameters.

by costa
Tue 04 Mar 2014 01:23
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: Passing array to a stored procedure
Replies: 12
Views: 6244

Re: Passing array to a stored procedure

Are table types such as "...type table of number" still not supported as parameters (in the dbexpress driver)?

If they are supported, could you please provide a sample? What data type should be used to populate the parameter?

Thank you
by costa
Fri 21 Feb 2014 22:40
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: What is a cursor in the dbMonitor Object tree?
Replies: 4
Views: 3281

What is a cursor in the dbMonitor Object tree?


What are these cursor objects that are displayed under the connection object in the Object tree?

I assumed that the Connection node (in the Object Tree) corresponds to the TSQLConnection object in the app. I am however confused by the Cursor objects.

I have the following scenario:
1. Connect to oracle as user1
2. Run query1 (using TSQLStoredProc)
3. Disconnect
4. Connect to oracle as user2 using the same TSQLConnection object as at step 1
5. Run query2 (using TSQLQuery)

In the dbMonitor query1 & query2 appear associated with the same cursor. I found this confusing and I was hoping that you could clarify what a cursor is in this context and why two queries run in different sessions appear under the same cursor. The cursors in the dbMonitor doesn't seem to correlate with the information returned by the v$open_cursor view.

I also looked in the dbMonitor help and there is no specification of cursors.


Update: After more testing with a second app in debug mode, the dbmonitor created a second connection object, even though we use a single TSQLConnection object. So, at this point, I am not sure the Connection nodes in the Object tree map to the TSQLConnection object.
by costa
Fri 31 Jan 2014 18:58
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: vcl app not exiting upon closing the main form
Replies: 9
Views: 4447

Re: vcl app not exiting upon closing the main form


We made a slight change to the app which makes more reproducible. You can get it here: ...

I also included a screenshot of the delphi IDE so you can see the error.

Again this error has something to do with the TSQLMonitor object. If it is disconnected from the connection, the app always exists.

Could you please investigate and don't give up on this?

by costa
Thu 30 Jan 2014 20:41
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: vcl app not exiting upon closing the main form
Replies: 9
Views: 4447

Re: vcl app not exiting upon closing the main form

The problem is that this issue is intermittent, it doesn't always occur and that's what's making it frustrating. That's why I suggested that you patiently try it multiple times if the error doesn't occur the first time.

Just curious, what operating system did you use, and did you try to test using the same versions of the driver? We develop using Windows 7 64 bit and the target app is 32 bit.
by costa
Wed 29 Jan 2014 23:48
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: vcl app not exiting upon closing the main form
Replies: 9
Views: 4447

Re: vcl app not exiting upon closing the main form


Here is a project that you can use to reproduce this: ... tError.rar.

Please note the following:
  • - I used XE5 Update 2, version 6.3.4 of the devart dbexpress oracle driver, and version 11.2.0 of the oracle client (the version of the oci.dll is
    - before you run the project you need to update the connection information
    - The issue occurs intermittently, but to reproduce it quicker, you need to run the app in debug mode. I also had the devart dbmonitor app running to see what was executed. After the main window is visible and the grid has data, click on the Refresh button multiple times (I clicked, for instance, 11 times) then close the window (after waiting for the queries to be done). Sometimes the application hangs even though the main window was closed. Go to View->Debug Windows->Threads. One of the threads in the window will be blocked. Double-click on the thread to view the stack trace.
If you cannot reproduce the issue right away please be patient and keep trying. I've been able to reproduce it and my colleague reproduced it as well. Also, the issue occurred even when I run the app outside the IDE, or within the IDE but not in debug mode. Based on our observations it might have something to do the SQLMonitor object, i.e. disconnecting the monitor from the sql connection object seems to get rid of the problem.
