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by Discovery
Thu 17 Dec 2009 11:12
Forum: Entity Developer
Topic: Incomplete or missing release notes
Replies: 1
Views: 2096

Incomplete or missing release notes

New build of Entity Developer 2.50.55 is available for download now.
This version includes:

Added auto-setting of the Computed columns
I was excited to see a new release of the Entity Developer this morning.
Well, I was, until I looked at the release notes, which basically tells us nothing.

The one note given, about computed columns being set correctly actually belongs in the .51 release notes
(We reported that fault and were happy to see it working correctly in the .51 release)

Could you please get somebody to update the release notes, as we don't know whether to carry on using workarounds,
or risk losing hours of work trying to reproduce bugs that have already been reported, to see if they have been fixed.

I know release notes are a pain, but we do need more information

by Discovery
Tue 15 Dec 2009 10:09
Forum: Entity Developer
Topic: Cannot access the .edps file as it is used by another proces
Replies: 24
Views: 8627

The fix in 2.50.51 looked promising, but actually has resulted in the problem occuring some of the time, instead of all the time. (It's like playing Russian Roulette)

We are also shutting down Visual Studio and running Entity Developer on it's own, when we want to make changes at the moment.

Looking forward to a full fix in the new version.
by Discovery
Mon 14 Dec 2009 12:14
Forum: Entity Developer
Topic: Entities attempting to update computed columns
Replies: 7
Views: 4071

AndreyR wrote:We have fixed the problem. The fix will be available in the nearest build.
I must be going crazy, as I was sure that you had fixed this problem in the current version (2.50.50) :wink:
by Discovery
Thu 10 Dec 2009 16:47
Forum: Entity Developer
Topic: Entity Developer does not see changes in DB
Replies: 4
Views: 3105

We are currently deleting and re-adding tables and views as they are changed on the SQL Server.

Be aware though, that if you have made changes to the deleted table/view, such as changing an Entity key, adding an association, changing a return type or setting a column nullable (to get around a Crystal Reports limitation), then those changes will be lost and you will have to manually re-add them.

This can be a pain in the arse, especially when you can't work out why your programme keeps crashing after a simple change.
by Discovery
Wed 02 Dec 2009 17:05
Forum: Entity Developer
Topic: connection parameter is null in a Stored Procedure
Replies: 8
Views: 5854

AndreyR wrote:The new build is available. Please let me know if something goes wrong.
Which product is the new build available for ?
by Discovery
Mon 30 Nov 2009 17:41
Forum: Entity Developer
Topic: Cannot access the .edps file as it is used by another proces
Replies: 24
Views: 8627

Cannot access the .edps file as it is used by another proces

Using 2.50.50, we get the following error.

A file is created with the following contents:

// Custom tool 'DevartEfGenerator' failed.
// - The process cannot access the file 'C:\Documents and Settings\russ\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Gallery\Gallery\GalleryManager\GalleryModel.edps' because it is being used by another process.

Background to the above error

In our database, we added an additional column. To ensure that the entity framework, reflected this addition, we added a new column in the storage schema, added a new property in the conceptual schema, mapped one to the other and saved.

We called the Entity Developer from within Visual Studio 2008.
Visual Studio also claims the .edps file to be locked.
The Database is MSSQL 2005

We do not get a lock under any other circumstances.
by Discovery
Sat 28 Nov 2009 14:31
Forum: Entity Developer
Topic: Entities attempting to update computed columns
Replies: 7
Views: 4071

SQL Server 2005
by Discovery
Thu 26 Nov 2009 16:43
Forum: Entity Developer
Topic: Entities attempting to update computed columns
Replies: 7
Views: 4071

AndreyR wrote:Please check that you have set StoreGeneratedPattern to "Computed" for the computed column in the Store part of the model.
I was just about to post that I had identified this as being the problem.

The 'StoreGeneratedPattern' is not set automatically to 'Computed' for computed columns.

This means I am currently running the following SQL query to find all the computed columns in the Database, so they can be manually set.

Code: Select all

SELECT OBJECT_NAME(id) as ObjectName, Name as ComputedColumn
FROM syscolumns
WHERE COLUMNPROPERTY( id ,name, 'IsComputed') = 1
Surely the Entity Developer should be doing this for me ?
by Discovery
Wed 25 Nov 2009 17:14
Forum: Entity Developer
Topic: Entities attempting to update computed columns
Replies: 7
Views: 4071

Entities attempting to update computed columns

If an Entity is generated from a table that contains a calculated column, it would appear, that the Entity framework treats this as a normal column and believes it is updateable.

Such an Entity if created with a new operator and subsequently added via AddToxxxx and saved via SaveChanges, results in an error.

The error is: "The Column" cannot be modified because it is a computed column, or a result of a union operator.

Why is it trying to update a calculated column ?

This is using the latest 2.50.50 version
by Discovery
Mon 28 Sep 2009 16:18
Forum: Entity Developer
Topic: How to Generate an Entity Model for MSSQL 2005 ?
Replies: 5
Views: 3174

I am already using the trial, which is why I am reporting the faults I have found.

Looking at the .edml file I have generated, the ProviderManifestToken is set to 2008. Changing it to 2005 makes it work nicely with SQL Server 2005.

I would say, that you need some way of setting that value in the Entity Developer, rather than having to manually edit it.

(Sorry if I sound like a moaner, but I really like this product and need to get Management to like it as well)

by Discovery
Mon 28 Sep 2009 11:12
Forum: Entity Developer
Topic: How to Generate an Entity Model for MSSQL 2005 ?
Replies: 5
Views: 3174

How to Generate an Entity Model for MSSQL 2005 ?

The Entity Developer seems to be developing Entity Models based on MSSQL 2008.
(We are getting references to datetime2, which is a function added to MSSQL 2008)

I've looked through the designer, but cannot see anything to select the target SQL Server. (ie. MSSQL 2005)
by Discovery
Fri 25 Sep 2009 11:55
Forum: Entity Developer
Topic: Unable to load the specified metadata resource
Replies: 3
Views: 3510

After (much) trial and error, I have found that after a rebuild, I get the missing .csdl, .ssdl and .msl files in the bin\debug area.

Are they supposed to go in there, or do you need to gently guide them to their proper place ?
by Discovery
Thu 24 Sep 2009 15:53
Forum: Entity Developer
Topic: Unable to load the specified metadata resource
Replies: 3
Views: 3510

Unable to load the specified metadata resource

Just downloaded the trial version today and I get the following error:

'Unable to load the specified metadata resource'

in the bit of code below:

public GalleryEntities() :
base@"name=Discovery.GalleryManagerConnectionString", "GalleryEntities")

My App.Config has the following connectionstring




(I already posted this in Entity Framework Support, but I think this is a more appropriate place - Sorry for the multiposting)
by Discovery
Thu 24 Sep 2009 15:34
Forum: Entity Framework support
Topic: Where is the metadata?
Replies: 7
Views: 3640

I think I have the same problem.
Just downloaded the trial version today and I get the following error:

'Unable to load the specified metadata resource'

in the bit of code below:

public GalleryEntities() :
base@"name=Discovery.GalleryManagerConnectionString", "GalleryEntities")

My App.Config has the following connectionstring



Would be nice to know if this is the same problem and when there might be a fix for it.
