Search found 5 matches

by Mottor
Thu 23 Sep 2010 21:40
Forum: dotConnect for Oracle
Topic: ORA-00936: missing expression - LightSwitch
Replies: 14
Views: 7064

may be there will be changes from Microsoft side too.
To improve the overall experience we will be looking at ways to avoid generating the full model so the select itself might become irrelevant.
by Mottor
Tue 21 Sep 2010 08:15
Forum: dotConnect for Oracle
Topic: ORA-00936: missing expression - LightSwitch
Replies: 14
Views: 7064

And for third time:
Is this select statement composed from your provider?
by Mottor
Fri 17 Sep 2010 11:53
Forum: dotConnect for Oracle
Topic: ORA-00936: missing expression - LightSwitch
Replies: 14
Views: 7064

You shouldn't provide support. You should see where the error come from. They say that they are working with EF. You have support for EF.

And waht about the second question. Is this statement from you or from Microsoft:

Code: Select all

SELECT   "Project6".c2 AS c1,
         "Project6"."CatalogName" AS "CatalogName",
         "Project6"."SchemaName" AS "SchemaName",
         "Project6"."Name" AS "Name",
         "Project6".c1 AS c2,
         "Project6".c3 AS c3,
         "Project6".c4 AS c4,
         "Project6".c5 AS c5,
         "Project6".c6 AS c6,
         "Project6".c7 AS c7,
         "Project6".c8 AS c8,
         "Project6".c9 AS c9,
         "Project6".c10 AS c10,
         "Project6".c11 AS c11
    FROM (SELECT "Extent1"."CatalogName" AS "CatalogName",
                 "Extent1"."SchemaName" AS "SchemaName",
                 "Extent1"."Name" AS "Name",
                 "UnionAll1"."Name" AS c1,
                 "UnionAll1"."Ordinal" AS c2,
                 "UnionAll1"."IsNullable" AS c3,
                 "UnionAll1"."TypeName" AS c4,
                 "UnionAll1"."MaxLength" AS c5,
                 "UnionAll1"."Precision" AS c6,
                 "UnionAll1"."DateTimePrecision" AS c7,
                 "UnionAll1"."Scale" AS c8,
                 "UnionAll1"."IsIdentity" AS c9,
                 "UnionAll1"."IsStoreGenerated" AS c10,
                    WHEN ("Project5".c2 IS NULL) THEN 0
                    ELSE "Project5".c2
                 END AS c11
            FROM (
                  /*SViews {0B22944E-0F7B-48be-89B5-743B50E1FC06} {BFD32F32-EEE4-4826-9725-C489B0EE1ACC}*/
                  SELECT   v.owner || '.' || v.view_name AS "Id",
                           'Catalog1' AS "CatalogName",
                           v.owner AS "SchemaName",
                           v.view_name AS "Name",
                           v.text AS "ViewDefinition",
                           0 AS "IsUpdatable"
                      FROM SYS.all_views v LEFT OUTER JOIN user_tab_privs p
                           ON (    v.owner = p.owner
                               AND p.grantee = USER
                               AND p.table_name = v.view_name
                               AND (p."PRIVILEGE" = 'SELECT' OR p."PRIVILEGE" = 'EXECUTE'))
                     WHERE v.owner = USER OR p.grantee = USER
                  ORDER BY 3, 1) "Extent1"
                 INNER JOIN
                 (SELECT "Extent2"."Id" AS "Id",
                         "Extent2"."Name" AS "Name",
                         "Extent2"."Ordinal" AS "Ordinal",
                         "Extent2"."IsNullable" AS "IsNullable",
                         "Extent2"."TypeName" AS "TypeName",
                         "Extent2"."MaxLength" AS "MaxLength",
                         "Extent2"."Precision" AS "Precision",
                         "Extent2"."DateTimePrecision" AS "DateTimePrecision",
                         "Extent2"."Scale" AS "Scale",
                         "Extent2"."IsIdentity" AS "IsIdentity",
                         "Extent2"."IsStoreGenerated" AS "IsStoreGenerated",
                         4 AS c1,
                         "Extent2"."ParentId" AS "ParentId"
                    FROM (
                          /*STableColumns {4D35D67E-B0EE-45e6-BA55-3238B93342FB} {BFD32F32-EEE4-4826-9725-C489B0EE1ACC}*/
                          SELECT   t.owner || '.' || t.table_name || '.' || t.column_name AS "Id",
                                   t.owner || '.' || t.table_name AS "ParentId",
                                   column_name AS "Name",
                                   column_id AS "Ordinal",
                                   NULL AS "Default"
                              FROM SYS.all_tab_columns t LEFT OUTER JOIN user_tab_privs p
                                   ON (    t.owner = p.owner
                                       AND p.grantee = USER
                                       AND p.table_name = t.table_name
                                       AND (p."PRIVILEGE" = 'SELECT' OR p."PRIVILEGE" = 'EXECUTE'))
                             WHERE t.owner = USER OR p.grantee = USER
                          ORDER BY 2, 4) "Extent2"
                  UNION ALL
                  SELECT "Extent3"."Id" AS "Id",
                         "Extent3"."Name" AS "Name",
                         "Extent3"."Ordinal" AS "Ordinal",
                         "Extent3"."IsNullable" AS "IsNullable",
                         "Extent3"."TypeName" AS "TypeName",
                         "Extent3"."MaxLength" AS "MaxLength",
                         "Extent3"."Precision" AS "Precision",
                         "Extent3"."DateTimePrecision" AS "DateTimePrecision",
                         "Extent3"."Scale" AS "Scale",
                         "Extent3"."IsIdentity" AS "IsIdentity",
                         "Extent3"."IsStoreGenerated" AS "IsStoreGenerated",
                         0 AS c1,
                         "Extent3"."ParentId" AS "ParentId"
                    FROM (
                          /*SViewColumns {02C89419-DB97-4abb-9F1A-6B313FAE7866} {BFD32F32-EEE4-4826-9725-C489B0EE1ACC}*/
                          SELECT t.owner || '.' || t.table_name || '.' || t.column_name AS "Id",
                                 t.owner || '.' || t.table_name AS "ParentId",
                                 column_name AS "Name",
                                 column_id AS "Ordinal",
                                 NULL AS "Default"
                            FROM SYS.all_tab_columns t LEFT OUTER JOIN user_tab_privs p
                                 ON (    t.owner = p.owner
                                     AND p.grantee = USER
                                     AND p.table_name = t.table_name
                                     AND (p."PRIVILEGE" = 'SELECT' OR p."PRIVILEGE" = 'EXECUTE'))
                           WHERE t.owner = USER OR p.grantee = USER) "Extent3") "UnionAll1"
                 ON (0 = "UnionAll1".c1) AND ("Extent1"."Id" = "UnionAll1"."ParentId")
                 LEFT OUTER JOIN
                 (SELECT "UnionAll2"."Id" AS c1,
                         1 AS c2
                    FROM (
                          /*SViewConstraints {0C61BE7A-8D9D-4bf1-97B0-449F70A9470D} {BFD32F32-EEE4-4826-9725-C489B0EE1ACC}*/
                          SELECT CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (1)) AS "Id",
                                 CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (1)) AS "ParentId",
                                 CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (1)) AS "Name",
                                 CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (1)) AS "ConstraintType",
                                 0 AS "IsDeferrable",
                                 0 AS "IsInitiallyDeferred",
                                 CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (1)) AS "Expression",
                                 CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (1)) AS "UpdateRule",
                                 CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (1)) AS "DeleteRule"
                            FROM DUAL
                           WHERE 0 = 1) "Extent4"
                         INNER JOIN
                         (SELECT 10 AS c1,
                                 "Extent5"."ConstraintId" AS "ConstraintId",
                                 "Extent6"."Id" AS "Id"
                            FROM (
                                  /*SConstraintColumns {F2DCFD5C-8B38-4e6c-92A5-34493F5A9237} {BFD32F32-EEE4-4826-9725-C489B0EE1ACC}*/
                                  SELECT cons.owner || '.' || cons.constraint_name AS "ConstraintId",
                                         cols.owner || '.' || cols.table_name || '.' || cols.column_name AS "ColumnId"
                                    FROM SYS.all_cons_columns cols INNER JOIN SYS.all_constraints cons
                                         ON (cols.constraint_name = cons.constraint_name AND cols.owner = cons.owner)
                                         LEFT OUTER JOIN user_tab_privs p
                                         ON (    cols.owner = p.owner
                                             AND p.grantee = USER
                                             AND p.table_name = cols.table_name
                                             AND (p."PRIVILEGE" = 'SELECT' OR p."PRIVILEGE" = 'EXECUTE'))
                                   WHERE cons.owner = USER OR p.grantee = USER) "Extent5"
                                 INNER JOIN
                                  /*STableColumns {4D35D67E-B0EE-45e6-BA55-3238B93342FB} {BFD32F32-EEE4-4826-9725-C489B0EE1ACC}*/
                                  SELECT   t.owner || '.' || t.table_name || '.' || t.column_name AS "Id",
                                           t.owner || '.' || t.table_name AS "ParentId",
                                           column_name AS "Name",
                                           column_id AS "Ordinal",
                                           NULL AS "Default"
                                      FROM SYS.all_tab_columns t LEFT OUTER JOIN user_tab_privs p
                                           ON (    t.owner = p.owner
                                               AND p.grantee = USER
                                               AND p.table_name = t.table_name
                                               AND (p."PRIVILEGE" = 'SELECT' OR p."PRIVILEGE" = 'EXECUTE'))
                                     WHERE t.owner = USER OR p.grantee = USER
                                  ORDER BY 2, 4) "Extent6" ON "Extent6"."Id" = "Extent5"."ColumnId"
                          UNION ALL
                          SELECT 7 AS c1,
                                 "Extent7"."ConstraintId" AS "ConstraintId",
                                 "Extent8"."Id" AS "Id"
                            FROM (
                                  /*SViewConstraintColumns {5AA2F6A5-AA81-4724-8593-55D34067FFEC} {BFD32F32-EEE4-4826-9725-C489B0EE1ACC}*/
                                  SELECT CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (1)) AS "ConstraintId",
                                         CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (1)) AS "ColumnId"
                                    FROM DUAL
                                   WHERE 0 = 1) "Extent7"
                                 INNER JOIN
                                  /*SViewColumns {02C89419-DB97-4abb-9F1A-6B313FAE7866} {BFD32F32-EEE4-4826-9725-C489B0EE1ACC}*/
                                  SELECT t.owner || '.' || t.table_name || '.' || t.column_name AS "Id",
                                         t.owner || '.' || t.table_name AS "ParentId",
                                         column_name AS "Name",
                                         column_id AS "Ordinal",
                                         CASE nullable
                                            WHEN 'Y' THEN 1
                                            ELSE 0
                                         END AS "IsNullable",
                                         NULL AS "Default"
                                    FROM SYS.all_tab_columns t LEFT OUTER JOIN user_tab_privs p
                                         ON (    t.owner = p.owner
                                             AND p.grantee = USER
                                             AND p.table_name = t.table_name
                                             AND (p."PRIVILEGE" = 'SELECT' OR p."PRIVILEGE" = 'EXECUTE'))
                                   WHERE t.owner = USER OR p.grantee = USER) "Extent8" ON "Extent8"."Id" = "Extent7"."ColumnId"
                                 ) "UnionAll2" ON (7 = "UnionAll2".c1) AND ("Extent4"."Id" = "UnionAll2"."ConstraintId")
                   WHERE "Extent4"."ConstraintType" = 'PRIMARY KEY') "Project5" ON "UnionAll1"."Id" = "Project5".c1
                 ) "Project6"
ORDER BY "Project6"."SchemaName" ASC, "Project6"."Name" ASC, "Project6".c2 ASC

by Mottor
Thu 16 Sep 2010 20:01
Forum: dotConnect for Oracle
Topic: ORA-00936: missing expression - LightSwitch
Replies: 14
Views: 7064

ORA-00936: missing expression - LightSwitch

I have asked this question in Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch forum: ... 310592ed41
Oracle (DevArt provider)

After waiting 20 minutes "Attach Data Source Wizard" to show my tables, I am selecting a table and click Finish.

If the table has no field named "ID" then I am getting the error: "unexpected parameters count". It is unexpected :)

If the table has this field it is another error comming:

"An error occured while executed the command definition. See the inner exception for details.

ORA-00936: missing expression "
Steve Hoag (MSFT, Moderator) told me to search the solution here.

You can also see the other question too: ... 98ef19c4f3

I don't believe that this huge select statement is from your provider. That cannot be written from Oracle programmer. :)
by Mottor
Fri 12 Mar 2010 12:57
Forum: dotConnect for Oracle
Topic: dbMonitor error
Replies: 2
Views: 1644

I have the same problem here.
1) DBMonitor Version 3.0.2
2) dotConnect for Oracle Profesional Edition
Version Beta
3) The message come after
"dotConnect for Oracle monitoring is started"
and before
"Open connection "Server=srvora;user id=user1;password=pass1"