Search found 18 matches

by ipai
Tue 03 Apr 2012 20:31
Forum: PostgreSQL Data Access Components
Topic: Type "e" does not exist.
Replies: 10
Views: 4354

Setting ProtocolVersion to pv20 doesn't help

Hello Alex...

I'm afraid it still doesn't work. I have set the pgConnection ProtocolVersion to pv20 both at design time and also in the BeforeConnect event handler and I get exactly the same result with the Postgres 7 database.

Please advise when you have a fix for this problem.


by ipai
Tue 03 Apr 2012 12:35
Forum: PostgreSQL Data Access Components
Topic: Type "e" does not exist.
Replies: 10
Views: 4354

Thanks, Alex!

I'll make the necessary changes and give it a go. If you don't hear back from me, then everything is OK.


by ipai
Mon 02 Apr 2012 23:27
Forum: PostgreSQL Data Access Components
Topic: Type "e" does not exist.
Replies: 10
Views: 4354

For completeness, this is the definition of the tables referred to in the parameterised query which fails under Postgres 7.4.19:

Code: Select all

  user_id character varying(8) NOT NULL,
  user_name character varying(40),
  user_manager_id character varying(8),
  passwd character varying(50),
  passwd_expiry_date date,
  db_passwd character varying(50),
  user_status character(1),
  email character varying(64),
  user_location character varying(40),
  user_phone character varying(32),
  user_contact_info character varying(100),
  default_printer_key smallint,
  hint_level smallint DEFAULT 1,
  signon_cnt smallint DEFAULT 0,
  failed_signon_cnt smallint DEFAULT 0,
  last_signon_date timestamp(0) with time zone,
  signon_tag integer DEFAULT 0,
  shell_opts character varying(32),
  create_date timestamp with time zone,
  create_user_id character varying(8),
  last_upd_date timestamp with time zone,
  last_upd_user_id character varying(8),
  location_list character varying(64),
  location_key integer,
  CONSTRAINT users_pkey PRIMARY KEY (user_id),
  CONSTRAINT "$1" CHECK (user_status = 'I'::bpchar OR user_status = 'A'::bpchar OR user_status = 'T'::bpchar OR user_status = 'L'::bpchar)

CREATE TABLE user_auths
  user_id character varying(8) NOT NULL,
  soc_code character varying(8) NOT NULL,
  access_option character varying(20),
  user_status character(1),
  db_name character varying(32),
  email character varying(64),
  default_printer_key smallint,
  create_date timestamp with time zone,
  create_user_id character varying(8),
  last_upd_date timestamp with time zone,
  last_upd_user_id character varying(8),
  location_key integer,
  CONSTRAINT user_auths_pkey PRIMARY KEY (user_id, soc_code),
  CONSTRAINT ua_db_name_fk FOREIGN KEY (soc_code, db_name)
      REFERENCES dbs (soc_code, db_name) MATCH SIMPLE
  CONSTRAINT "$1" CHECK (user_status = 'I'::bpchar OR user_status = 'A'::bpchar OR user_status = 'T'::bpchar)
Because the query fails before it's even executed, I have confirmed that the actual data is irrelevant - the problem definitely occurs with the parameters given in my last post with empty tables as defined above.

Also, the connection object is defined as follows:

Code: Select all

  object AdminPgConnection1: TPgConnection
    Username = 'user'
    Password = 'password'
    Server = ''
    LoginPrompt = False
    AfterConnect = PgConnection1AfterConnect
    BeforeConnect = PgConnection1BeforeConnect
    AfterDisconnect = PgConnection1AfterDisconnect
    Database = 'admin_db'
    Options.ApplicationName = 'pgDACTest'
    ConnectionTimeout = 1
    Left = 584
    Top = 56
Could someone form Devart please reply to confirm that this problem is being investigated?


by ipai
Fri 30 Mar 2012 00:41
Forum: PostgreSQL Data Access Components
Topic: Type "e" does not exist.
Replies: 10
Views: 4354

We are also having this issue with pgDAC version 3.1.5 in Delphi 7. It appears to be related to parameters, as a non-parameterised version of the query works without any problems. Note that the problem occurs with PostgreSQL version 7.4.19 but does not happen with PostgreSQL version 9.0.5. Both databases are LATIN9 encoding.

This is the error message I get when the query is opened:

Code: Select all

Debugger Exception Notification
Project MyQ.exe raised exception class EOleException with message 'type "e" does not exist'. Process stopped. Use Step or Run to continue.
OK   Help   
The problem does not occur with all parameterised queries, but it occurs consistently with the following TpgQuery object:

Code: Select all

  object AuthenticationABRIpgQuery1: TPgQuery
    Connection = AdminPgConnection1
    SQL.Strings = (
      'select u.*, ua.soc_code, ua.access_option '
      'from users u '
      'left join user_auths ua on u.user_id = ua.user_id '
      'where u.user_status = ''A'' '
      'and u.user_id = :UserID '
      'and passwd = :Password;')
    ReadOnly = True
    Options.ExtendedFieldsInfo = False
    Options.UnknownAsString = True
    Options.UnpreparedExecute = True
    Left = 184
    Top = 304
    ParamData = 
This is the relevant section from a log obtained via a TPgSQLMonitor component:

Code: Select all

11:20:38.191	Start: 
11:20:38.237	select u.*, ua.soc_code, ua.access_option 
from users u 
left join user_auths ua on u.user_id = ua.user_id 
where u.user_status = 'A' 
and u.user_id = :UserID 
and passwd = :Password;
11:20:38.316	Error: type "e" does not exist
11:20:41.784	Commit: 
This is a serious problem for us as we attempt to migrate from dbExpress to pgDAC, so I hope the above information will help you isolate and fix the problem quickly.


by ipai
Tue 22 Nov 2011 04:49
Forum: dbExpress driver for PostgreSQL
Topic: Daylight savings bug with timestamptz field
Replies: 11
Views: 4112

Dear Alex,

I have received no response to my e-mails to you on this subject, so I am posting this in the forum thread. We have had previous support issues addressed using the number quoted, so I am not sure why to you believe it to be for MySQL rather than PostgreSQL.

Please refer to original message below:

> From: Devart Sales
> Date: 26 November 2010 20:28:12 AEDT
> To: cdecrespigny(at)
> Subject: dbExpress driver for PostgreSQL
> Thank you for the registration of dbExpress driver for PostgreSQL Standard
> with source code single license.
> Your developer license number is CRDBM-00383..
> Please use it when contact us.
> You can download the full version of dbExpress driver for Windows
> and source code as protected archive (Password: **********) at
> User: dbxpgsql130src
> Psw: **********
> Note: you have one year DbxPgSQL subscription starting from this date.
> Please write to [email protected] if you have any
> questions or problems with our product.
> Also you can post your comments to DbxPgSQL discussion
> forum that is available from
> Devart Sales Team
> [email protected]

I trust this matter can be resolved quickly.


by ipai
Tue 25 Oct 2011 23:58
Forum: dbExpress driver for PostgreSQL
Topic: Daylight savings bug with timestamptz field
Replies: 11
Views: 4112

Thanks, Alex!

Our license number is CRDBM-00383

Please e-mail the fix to alex.ip(at)


by ipai
Mon 24 Oct 2011 22:10
Forum: dbExpress driver for PostgreSQL
Topic: Daylight savings bug with timestamptz field
Replies: 11
Views: 4112

Has there been any progress on this issue? It is currently affecting all of our Australian and New Zealand sites and we need a fix urgently.


by ipai
Fri 14 Oct 2011 12:30
Forum: dbExpress driver for PostgreSQL
Topic: Daylight savings bug with timestamptz field
Replies: 11
Views: 4112

Thanks for that, Alex.

Is there any possibility of a patch or quick work-around while we're waiting for the official fix? As I said in my original e-mail, this is a significant problem for us because it is affecting live customers.

Please let me know ASAP.


by ipai
Tue 11 Oct 2011 18:49
Forum: dbExpress driver for PostgreSQL
Topic: Daylight savings bug with timestamptz field
Replies: 11
Views: 4112

AlexP wrote:and also specify the result of execution of the following query:

select now()
This query will return the current server time as a timestamptz field. It displays the correct daylight savings time in pgAdmin or any Delphi application not using Devart, but displays a time an hour earlier when using Devart.

I suggested "now()" as a test case because it is independent of any schema. We often retrieve the value of fields populated using the "now()" function and, despite containing the correct value, these fields display the incorrect time when read via Devart.
by ipai
Tue 11 Oct 2011 12:32
Forum: dbExpress driver for PostgreSQL
Topic: Daylight savings bug with timestamptz field
Replies: 11
Views: 4112

The postgresql.conf leaves the timezone parameter unspecified, so postgres defaults to the system timezone, which is set to Australia/Sydney. The system clock is set to UTC.

Note that the time displayed is correct when using the ZeosLib data access components and also when using the pgExpress dbExpress driver. The time displays correctly everywhere except applications using the Devart dbExpress driver.
by ipai
Tue 11 Oct 2011 05:54
Forum: dbExpress driver for PostgreSQL
Topic: Daylight savings bug with timestamptz field
Replies: 11
Views: 4112

Daylight savings bug with timestamptz field

G'day all...

Since Australia went onto daylight savings time, We have a problem where the values of timestamptz fields are displaying in non-daylight-savings time instead of the correct daylight-savings time (i.e. one hour earlier). The correct time is displayed in pgExpress.

The problem is easily replicated by using the SQL statement "select now();", and it will display the incorrect (non-daylight-savings) time as the value of the returned field. The date/time and timezone settings are correct and up-to-date on both the server and the client.

So far, we have the problem with Postgres version 7, and the problem occurs in the Devart dbExpress drivers for PostgreSQL versions 1.3 and 2.0.

This is now an urgent problem for us as it is affecting live systems. Is there a fix or work-around available immediately? Any help would be much appreciated.


by ipai
Wed 31 Aug 2011 22:19
Forum: dbExpress driver for PostgreSQL
Topic: ExecSQL() Error: "No value for parameter '[^[:digit:]]*'"
Replies: 1
Views: 3559

ExecSQL() Error: "No value for parameter '[^[:digit:]]*'"

G'day all...

We are converting a working application from the ZeosLib data access components to pgExpress with Devart drivers.

We have a problem with the Devart pgExpress drivers throwing an error on a call to TSQLQUery.ExecSQL(). This query evaluates perfectly in pgAdmin, and previously when using the ZeosLib data access components. All we are doing is setting the SQLQUery.SQL.Text property and calling ExecSQL(), and there are no event handlers or parameters set up on the SQLQuery object.

The error is:
  • No value for parameter '[^[:digit:]]*'
The text in the error appears to be some kind of regular expression and it does not appear anywhere in the query. It looks to me like it's coming from some failed parsing operation in dbExpress/Devart.

The query text is as follows:

Code: Select all

set search_path = aull, breedplan, public; 
set session authorization sk; 

/* if the header record doesn't already exist for this calving year, create it */

insert into membership_years (soc_code, members_key, membership_year,
           membership_rec_type, membership_type, membership_status,
           date_assessed,  membership_key)

select zt.soc_code, zt.members_key, 2011, 2,
cast('6' || cast('4' as varchar) as integer), 1,
   local_timestamp_f('AULL'), cast(next_seq_no_f('AULL', 'MY', 'MEMBERSHIP_KEY') as integer) as membership_key
from ztmp.ztmp_251077_memberkeys zt
where zt.members_key not in
(select ztt.members_key from ztmp.ztmp_251077_memberkeys ztt
        join  membership_years my using (soc_code, members_key)
        where ztt.soc_code = 'AULL'
        and my.membership_rec_type = 2
        and my.membership_type = cast('6' || cast('4' as varchar) as integer)
        and my.membership_year = 2011);

/* save stuff away for the report  */
/* note: this needs fixing because you could have multiple member link rows and this table should only
ever return ONE row */
create table ztmp.ztmp_251077_rpthdgs as
select me.soc_code,
       mp.member_ident as primary_herd,
       mp.memb_name as primary_name,
       me.soc_me_cb_1 as invent_status,
       me.soc_me_ck_4_flag as full_invent,
      (select alt_member_ident from member_cross_refs where soc_code='AULL' and alt_type=3 and members_key=me.members_key limit 1) as nlis_pic,       
       param_to_description_f(me.soc_code, 'STATE', me.state) as me_state,
       cast('2011' as varchar(4)) as calv_yr ,
       cast(param_to_description_f(me.soc_code, 'INVENTORY_SEASON', '4') as varchar(16)) as calv_seas,
       cm.address_1 as cm_address_1,  cm.address_2 as cm_address_2,
       cm.address_3 as cm_address_3,  cm.postcode  as cm_postcode,
       param_to_description_f(cm.soc_code, 'STATE',   cm.state) as cm_state,
       param_to_description_f(cm.soc_code, 'COUNTRY', as cm_country,
       cm.phone_bus as cm_phone_bus,
       cm.phone_bus_2 as cm_phone_bus_2,
       cm.phone_fax as cm_phone_fax,     as cm_email ,
       my.membership_key as invent_year_key,
       case when 'N' = 'Y' then 'Y' else 'N' end as do_update_counts,
       to_char(local_timestamp_f(me.soc_code) ,'FMMonth dd, yyyy') as issue_date,
       case when 'AULL' = 'CANG' then me.soc_me_cb_2 else cast(null as int2) end as anim_rpt_sort_order    
from ztmp.ztmp_251077_memberkeys zt
join members me on me.soc_code = zt.soc_code and me.members_key = zt.members_key
join companies cm on cm.soc_code = zt.soc_code
left join member_links ml on ml.soc_code = zt.soc_code and ml.secondary_members_key = me.members_key and ml.member_link_type = 2
          and member_link_exists_f(ml.soc_code,ml.primary_members_key,ml.secondary_members_key,2,'20110831')
left join members mp on mp.soc_code = zt.soc_code and ml.primary_members_key = mp.members_key
join membership_years my on my.soc_code = zt.soc_code
   and my.members_key = me.members_key
   and my.membership_year = '2011'
   and my.membership_rec_type = 2
   and my.membership_type = cast('6' || cast('4' as varchar) as integer)
where zt.soc_code = 'AULL' ;

/* if we are re-calculating figures, delete the old ones from membership_inventory */
delete from membership_inventory
where soc_code = 'AULL'
and membership_key in
(select invent_year_key from
ztmp.ztmp_251077_rpthdgs hdg
where hdg.do_update_counts = 'Y');

/* if you are recalculating figures, gather up all currently owned animals for the herds */
/* if not updating, pass the empty string into members_inventory_load_f so that an empty keys table gets created */

select members_inventory_load_f(case when
exists(select 1
 from ztmp.ztmp_251077_rpthdgs hdg
 where hdg.do_update_counts = 'Y' group by 1) then 'ztmp_251077_memberkeys' else '' end, 'ztmp_251077_animalkeys', cast('20110831' as date))

/* to get in the inventory you must be
1. Female
2. Active

4. of correct age ie. older than the minimum date of birth entered by the user, and younger than that date - 16 years
insert into membership_inventory
( soc_code,membership_key,animals_key, rego_status)

select mi.soc_code, hdg.invent_year_key, an.animals_key, an.rego_status
from ztmp.ztmp_251077_animalkeys mi
join animals an on an.soc_code = mi.soc_code and an.animals_key = mi.animals_key
join ztmp.ztmp_251077_rpthdgs hdg on hdg.soc_code = mi.soc_code and hdg.members_key = mi.members_key
where = 1
and an.anim_type  5
and mi.anim_status = 1 
and held_status is null
and ((an.date_of_birth <= 20110831 and an.date_of_birth is not null)
     or (an.calving_year <= extract(year from cast('20110831' as date)) and an.date_of_birth is null))
and (get_global_f(an.soc_code, 'inventory_registered_only') is distinct from 'true' or an.rego_status = 11)

and hdg.do_update_counts = 'Y'
order by hdg.member_ident,
        an_format_ilr1_ident_f(an.soc_code, 'out', null, an.anim_ident),
        param_to_abbrev_f(an.soc_code,'SEX', desc,
        coalesce(an.calving_year,extract('year' from an.date_of_birth)),
        cast (nullif(substring( from '^(?:[^[:digit:]]*)([[:digit:]]*)'),'') as integer),
        substring( from '^[^ ]*' );

/* analyze the report headings so it can join it properly */
select sys_analyse_table_f('ztmp.ztmp_251077_rpthdgs');

/* make this the rpt bit then */
create table ztmp.ztmp_251077_inventanims as
select hdg.members_key,
       hdg.calv_yr ,
       hdg.cm_email ,
       cast(case when full_invent then '23.10' else '9.90' end as varchar(5)) as invent_fee,
       cast(case when full_invent then '20.90' else '8.80' end as varchar(5)) as invent_fee_disc,
        an_format_ident_f(an.soc_code,an.animals_key) as anim_ident,,
        substr(get_global_f(an.soc_code, 'year_letters')
            /*,cast(extract(year from an.date_of_birth) as integer) */
            , cast('2011' as integer)
            -get_global_int_f(an.soc_code, 'year_letter_base')+1,1) as anim_year_letter,
        param_to_abbrev_f(an.soc_code,'SEX', as sex_abbr,
        param_to_abbrev_f(an.soc_code,'REGO_STATUS',an.rego_status) as reg_abbr,
    an_format_ilr1_ident_f(an.soc_code, 'out', null, an.anim_ident) as sort_anim_ident,
    cast(2011 as int) as inventory_year,
    cast(param_to_description_f(an.soc_code, 'SEASON', '4') as varchar(16)) as invent_season_desc,
    cast(sys_year_code_f('AULL', 2011) as varchar(1))as current_year_code,
    cast(2011 as integer) as current_year,
    an.anim_type as reg_order,

from   ztmp.ztmp_251077_rpthdgs hdg
join membership_inventory mi on mi.soc_code = hdg.soc_code and mi.membership_key = hdg.invent_year_key
join animals an  on an.soc_code = mi.soc_code and an.animals_key = mi.animals_key

left join (select sd.dam_key as animals_key, as sire_tattoo, an1.anim_ident as sire_ident, case when sd.service_type = 2 then 'Y' else null end as sire_ai, sd.from_service_date as sire_date
      from service_details sd
      join animals an1 on an1.soc_code = sd.soc_code and an1.animals_key = sd.sire_key
      join ztmp.ztmp_251077_rpthdgs hdg on hdg.soc_code = an1.soc_code
      join membership_inventory mi on mi.soc_code = hdg.soc_code and mi.membership_key = hdg.invent_year_key
      where sd.dam_key = mi.animals_key
      and sd.from_service_date = (select from_service_date from service_details sd1
                                  where sd1.soc_code= hdg.soc_code and sd1.dam_key = sd.dam_key
                                  and coalesce(sd1.service_status,0) = 0
                                  and sd1.from_service_date between cast(cast(to_number(hdg.calv_yr,'9999') - 1 as char(4)) || '-01-01' as date)
                                                                and cast(cast(to_number(hdg.calv_yr,'9999') - 1 as char(4)) || '-12-31' as date)
                                  order by sd1.from_service_date asc limit 1))
       sd on sd.animals_key = mi.animals_key ;

/* and t3941.adls_flag = 'N'  and t3941.forms_flag = 'Y' */
I am continuing to investigate this and I am attempting to create a simple test case, but can anyone shed any light on where the error is coming from?

I should add that this is occuring in Delphi 7. The reason for the change to Devart is that we are preparing to migrate the application to a more current version of Delphi.


by ipai
Sun 14 Aug 2011 23:28
Forum: dbExpress driver for PostgreSQL
Topic: Support for XE2 / Firemonkey
Replies: 3
Views: 3443

Support for XE2 / Firemonkey


Will Devart have the PostgreSQL dbExpress drivers ready for the release of Delphi XE2?

Also, will the drivers be available for OSX and other platforms supported by Firemonkey? If not, when do you think they might be available?


by ipai
Sun 09 Jan 2011 23:55
Forum: dbExpress driver for PostgreSQL
Topic: dclcrdbx70.bpl is required by our Delphi 7 BPL at runtime
Replies: 2
Views: 8407

I have managed to resolve the problem by splitting the dclcrdbx70.bpl package into separate runtime and design-time packages (crdbx70.bpl and dclcrdbx70.bpl respectively).

The runtime package does not have any design-time package dependencies and can be deployed with our BPL.

None of the Devart code units needed changing, but the CRSQLConnection.pas code unit has been moved from the dclcrdbx70.bpl design-time package to the new crdbx70.bpl runtime package.

If anyone is interested, the an installer with new BPLs and revised project files for Delphi 7 can be found at

Hopefully, we won't be using Delphi 7 for too much longer and won't have any need for the TcrSQLConnection component for the more recent versions of Delphi.


by ipai
Sun 09 Jan 2011 20:33
Forum: dbExpress driver for PostgreSQL
Topic: dclcrdbx70.bpl is required by our Delphi 7 BPL at runtime
Replies: 2
Views: 8407

dclcrdbx70.bpl is required by our Delphi 7 BPL at runtime

We have an issue with the Devart dbExpress drivers for PostgreSQL in one of our BPLs under Delphi 7. In order to access the extended connection properties, we need to use the TCRSQLConnection component defined in the CRSQLConnection.pas unit in the dclcrdbx70.bpl package.

This is a major problem because dclcrdbx70.bpl seems to be behaving as both a design-time and runtime component. dclcrdbx70.bpl requires the following BPLs and all of their associated dependencies:

* dbexpress70.bpl
* dbrtl70.bpl
* dcldb70.bpl
* dcldbx70.bpl
* designdgm70.bpl
* rtl70.bpl
* vcl70.bpl
* vclactnband70.bpl
* vcldb70.bpl

We should NOT have any design-time-only packages appearing as runtime dependencies. I have checked the configuration of dclcrdbx70.dpk and it does seem to be configured as a design-time only package. I have even tried recompiling the package, but we still wind up with dclcrdbx70.bpl as a runtime dependency for our BPL.

Note that the TCRSQLConnection component seems OK to use in an executable (as opposed to a BPL) because one has the option of simply not using dclcrdbx70.bpl as a runtime package so the unit is compiled into the executable.

We were hoping to convert our Delphi 7 application suite to Devart prior to migrating to Delphi 2010, so any help would be much appreciated.

