Search found 17 matches

by luigisaggese
Wed 11 Apr 2012 15:27
Forum: dotConnect for MySQL
Topic: DataContext & Memory Leaks
Replies: 17
Views: 7556

We'll send a feedback soon. Thanks
by luigisaggese
Wed 11 Apr 2012 15:26
Forum: dotConnect for MySQL
Topic: Inheritance problem
Replies: 6
Views: 1959

Any news?
by luigisaggese
Thu 19 Jan 2012 14:14
Forum: dotConnect for MySQL
Topic: Inheritance problem
Replies: 6
Views: 1959

StanislavK wrote:Could you please specify the following:
- the inheritance type (TPT or TPH) you've implemented in your model;
- whether any specific modifiers (e.g., 'abstract') are set on the base class;
- the version of dotConnect for MySQL you are using;
- the stack trace of the exception.

If possible, please send us a model or a sample application with which the issue occurs.

At the moment, we couldn't reproduce the problem in our environment.

- the inheritance type (TPT or TPH) you've implemented in your model; TPH
- whether any specific modifiers (e.g., 'abstract') are set on the base class; NO
- the version of dotConnect for MySQL you are using;
- the stack trace of the exception.

System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled by user code
Message=L'operatore binario Equal non è definito per i tipi 'System.Nullable`1[System.Int32]' e 'System.Int32'.
in System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.GetEqualityComparisonOperator(ExpressionType binaryType, String opName, Expression left, Expression right, Boolean liftToNull)
in System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.Equal(Expression left, Expression right)
in Devart.Data.Linq.Provider.h.a(be A_0)
in Devart.Data.Linq.Provider.j.a(be A_0)
in Devart.Data.Linq.Provider.h.a(SqlExpression A_0)
in Devart.Data.Linq.Provider.h.a(SqlExpression A_0, Boolean A_1)
in Devart.Data.Linq.Provider.n.a(IDataServices A_0, SqlExpression A_1, Boolean A_2)
in Devart.Data.Linq.Provider.n.a(IDataServices A_0, SqlExpression A_1)
in Devart.Data.Linq.Provider.n.a(Type A_0, SqlExpression A_1, IDataServices A_2, Type A_3, Type A_4)
in Devart.Data.Linq.Provider.DataProvider.CompiledQuery.GetReaderFactory(List`1 elementInstanceTypes, IDataServices services, SqlNode query)
in Devart.Data.Linq.Provider.DataProvider.CompiledQuery..ctor(QueryInfo queryInfo, IDataServices services, Boolean isQueryObjectByKey, Object queryObjectKey)
in Devart.Data.Linq.Provider.DataProvider.BuildQuery(Expression query)
in Devart.Data.Linq.Provider.DataProvider.Devart.Data.Linq.Provider.IProvider.Execute(Expression query)
in Devart.Data.Linq.DataContext.ExecuteMethodCall(Object instance, MethodInfo methodInfo, Object[] parameters)
in Merqurio.DottNetCore.Core.Domain.MySQL.ThreadDataContext.GetThreadById(Nullable`1 pidthread) in C:\Projects\dottnet
by luigisaggese
Thu 19 Jan 2012 09:01
Forum: dotConnect for MySQL
Topic: Inheritance problem
Replies: 6
Views: 1959

Inheritance problem

Hi ,
We have an this problem with a datacontext.

We found the same problem in the following topics with dotConnect for MySql: ... f615fbe8c1

This is our DataContext:


This is the Stored procedure call, GetThreadById, which we have in ThreadDataContext.ThreadDataContext.cs file (generated by Devart)

Code: Select all

public System.Data.Linq.ISingleResult GetThreadById(System.Nullable pidthread)
            IExecuteResult _GetThreadByIdResult = this.ExecuteMethodCall(this, ((MethodInfo)(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod())), pidthread);
            return ((System.Data.Linq.ISingleResult)(_GetThreadByIdResult.ReturnValue));
The raised exception by:

Code: Select all

IExecuteResult _GetThreadByIdResult = this.ExecuteMethodCall(this, ((MethodInfo)(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod())), pidthread);

Is this:
The binary operator Equal is not defined for the types ‘System.Nullable`1[System.Int32] ' and 'System.Int32'
by luigisaggese
Tue 20 Dec 2011 09:31
Forum: dotConnect for MySQL
Topic: DataContext & Memory Leaks
Replies: 17
Views: 7556

Hi StanislavK,

i noticed that it was released a new version of Devart dotConnect for MySQL.

Thank you for the clarification, we've reproduced the issue. The problem is that compiled queries are saved
in the cache with a reference to the DataContext instance for queries including a call to a stored procedure.
Now I would like to know if it solve this problem.

Thanks a lot.
by luigisaggese
Mon 21 Nov 2011 14:01
Forum: dotConnect for MySQL
Topic: DataContext & Memory Leaks
Replies: 17
Views: 7556

Ok I'm glad to hear that i have found a bug in Devart and not within my application :-)
I hope this will solve as soon as.
We make intensive use of your instrument having a social network in the medical industry.

If you allow me I'd like to suggest possible changes in the instrument which I think is necessary at this level in order to make this software the more competitive and efficient.

In my opinion, would:

- Implementation of a DataContext thread-safe so you can use it as a singleton.
- Possibility to disable caching in an easy and tracking queries and objects.
- Implementation of an easy interface to switch between test and production database even after the generation of the DataContext.
- Resolution of the bug in the generation of inheritance. The discriminator must all times be awarded every time you open the DataContext.
- Attributes Pipelined in StoreProcedure when is set to true give an error (that is valid for all stored procedure...)

We hope that our community will grow exponentially in order to make these unpleasant memories bugs (we spent more than 2 months of testing and debugging to find a solution to memory leaks) and make this tool more and more powerful and faster.

P.s. We'd love to be listed among your customers being the largest community in Italy in the field. :-)

Thanx a lot for the support!
by luigisaggese
Wed 16 Nov 2011 16:54
Forum: dotConnect for MySQL
Topic: DataContext & Memory Leaks
Replies: 17
Views: 7556

Instances to which they refer are present
in all objects
that are returned by calls to DataContext
(so embedded in the object).
This is an example screenshot:

If you want to deepen analysis and see all the calls and
undisposed istances made by Devart I have uploaded a work session
conducted on my site that you can analyze with
.NET Memory Profiler 4.0 (
This is the link to my session with memory profiler:

Believe me they are really sure by the way we
use the DataContext (by using clause)
then I suggest you to analyze
this session because I think there is something
that you could evaluate in software code.

Thanks a lot.
by luigisaggese
Tue 15 Nov 2011 16:12
Forum: LinqConnect (LINQ to SQL support)
Topic: BUG Changing Database Connection
Replies: 6
Views: 1271

Thanks StanislavK,
that is ok for Table name reference; in fact when i re-generate the model storage [DbName].[TableName] is changed in just [TableName] as expected. :D

But it doesn't work for function references that is however in the format [DbName].[FunctionName]. :cry:

Thanks a lot.
Let me know if is a bug.
by luigisaggese
Tue 15 Nov 2011 11:28
Forum: dotConnect for MySQL
Topic: DataContext & Performance
Replies: 1
Views: 1411

DataContext & Performance

Since we are working in a distributed environment with many users and many tables to be queried (about 200) we decided to use the following software solution:

- For read operations use DataContext as a singleton.
- For write operations use n different DataContext per business object.

In this way we are experiencing the following problems:

- write operations occur properly, but when I try to read results are not updated to my last submit change.

We have tried to set ObjectTrackingEnabled to false or groped to clear cache on the DataContext but this has not yielded the expected results.

Can you give us support?
How do you recommend to use the n DataContext to write and the only DataContext to read?
How can I clear the cache data?

P.s. My previous step was to use DataContext embraced in using statement per business object but there is memory leak problem as reported[/b]
by luigisaggese
Tue 15 Nov 2011 10:40
Forum: dotConnect for MySQL
Topic: DataContext & Memory Leaks
Replies: 17
Views: 7556

StanislavK wrote:We are analyzing the situation, we will inform you about the results as soon as possible.
We are waiting your reply! :-)
by luigisaggese
Mon 14 Nov 2011 16:53
Forum: LinqConnect (LINQ to SQL support)
Topic: BUG Changing Database Connection
Replies: 6
Views: 1271

I have done following step:

1) I've deleted my xml file from DataContext
2) Open my Model Explorer
3) Unchecked 'Preserve schema name in storage'
4) Save model

When i see my NEW xml file that is genereted, however i see references to db name as reported before.

Let me know about something wrong in my steps.
Thanx in advance.
by luigisaggese
Mon 14 Nov 2011 16:41
Forum: LinqConnect (LINQ to SQL support)
Topic: Mapping Mode Property
Replies: 2
Views: 1042

Thanx a lot!! :D
by luigisaggese
Mon 14 Nov 2011 10:31
Forum: LinqConnect (LINQ to SQL support)
Topic: BUG Changing Database Connection
Replies: 6
Views: 1271

Any news :(
by luigisaggese
Thu 10 Nov 2011 08:41
Forum: LinqConnect (LINQ to SQL support)
Topic: BUG Changing Database Connection
Replies: 6
Views: 1271

BUG Changing Database Connection

I have developed an ASP.Net web application that uses dotConnect for MySQL v.6.50.214 and Framework 3.5.

I have a problem with my domain model.

I have two different Db (e.g. the first is called FirstDB,the second SecondDb).
When i create my domain model(using the FirstDb db), i have a .xml file which mapped all table, business object and view.

Now, if i want to change my connection string (in the Web.config) to use the SecondDb db without re-deploy my application,i have a problem; in the mapping file there is however the name FirstDb (then work on this) as like:
and not SecondDb, as i would.

So, can i have in my xml file the second db name, as : without re-deploy my application but just changing web.config file?
Can you suggest me any idea?

Thanks in advance
by luigisaggese
Wed 09 Nov 2011 13:00
Forum: LinqConnect (LINQ to SQL support)
Topic: Mapping Mode Property
Replies: 2
Views: 1042

Mapping Mode Property

i want an information about Model Settings, specifically about Mapping Mode properties.

In my web application, i don't need to change Xml file at runtime.

In which scenario is better use Attributes than File?