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by freim
Tue 21 Sep 2021 05:42
Forum: InterBase Data Access Components
Topic: Firebird 3 DB CharSet UTF8 UseUnicode does' nt work
Replies: 7
Views: 16891

Firebird 3 DB CharSet UTF8 UseUnicode does' nt work

Database: Firebird 3
Default CharSet UTF8
Default Collation UNICODE_CI

IBCConnection.Options.UseUnicode := True

Trying to insert and post a new record fails: 'unable to allocate memory from operating system'
Any idea?

crosspost ... ost1495161


Frank Reim
by freim
Fri 11 Sep 2020 13:05
Forum: InterBase Data Access Components
Topic: Fields after opening dataset readonly, although SetFieldsReadOnly is True
Replies: 1
Views: 3129

Fields after opening dataset readonly, although SetFieldsReadOnly is True

When using an editable view I can' nt update some fields because they are created as readonly.
(I dont use persistent fields)
Setting Dataset.Options.SetFieldsReadOnly := False has no effect.
As a workaround I change then fields ReadOnly - property in code after opening.

In views I often use field definitions like

Code: Select all

iif( is null, 'F', 'T')
coalesce(u.sec$active, false)
Such fields are readonly after open the query.

It would be very userfull, if such fields would be editable, if Dataset.Options.SetFieldsReadOnly is False.
So far I used IBObjects - there it works as expected.


Frank Reim