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by thinkzig
Thu 09 Jul 2009 19:22
Forum: Entity Developer
Topic: One To One associations not generating as expected
Replies: 4
Views: 3483

Any update on this? The designer seems to just not work with 1-to-1 relationships. I'm having to code them myself with partial classes.
by thinkzig
Fri 05 Jun 2009 00:14
Forum: Entity Developer
Topic: How do I install ED 2.00.22 if I'm licensed?
Replies: 1
Views: 2640

How do I install ED 2.00.22 if I'm licensed?

I want to install the newest version of ED (2.00.22) for dotConnect for mySQL as I'm hoping it has a fix to a code-gen bug I reported last week. But after trying for the past 20 minutes I'm unable to get it to install.

I had a trial version of dotConnect for mySQL that expired. Then I bought a licensed copy and installed that. When I go to the download page for ED all I can do is download another trial version for mySQL. I uninstalled my licensed copy and tried to install the new trial, but I can't use it because my old trial is still expired.

I went to the link where I downloaded the licensed version but that still has the release from 5-21-09 with the old version of ED.

How can I get the latest version of ED on my machine? I really need this bug fix.
by thinkzig
Wed 27 May 2009 19:53
Forum: Entity Developer
Topic: One To One associations not generating as expected
Replies: 4
Views: 3483

One To One associations not generating as expected

I'm trying to model the association between two mySQL membership provider tables and a proprietary User table of my own creation.

The tables in question are

My_Aspnet_Users (PK = userId)
My_Aspnet_Membership (PK = id)
User (PK = userId)

All 3 tables have a primary key of userId or id, and all 3 primary keys should be logically related, though there are no FK relationships specified for them in the db schema.

I've renamed the tables in the entity developer as such

My_Aspnet_Users => User
My_Aspnet_Membership => Membership
User => Profile

I've set up 1-to-1 associations in the ED editor between User and Membership and User and Profile with User being the parent in each one.

I'd like to be able to use the resulting classes like this

User.Membership.Email = "blah";


User.Profile.SomeProperty = 1;

but the Entity Developer keeps generating the classes such that User.Membership and User.Profile are EntitySet and EntitySet respectively.

Since I'm specifying these as 1-to-1 associations, shouldn't the properties be of type EntityRef and EntityRef? The way they are currently being generated, I have to set properties like this...

User.Membershipl[0].Email = "blah";


User.Profilel[0].SomeProperty = 1;

... which I'd rather not do. These are 1-to-1 relationships and I shouldn't have to specify the index each time.

Am I doing something wrong?

EDIT: Forgot to add that I'm using version 2.0.21 and that the keys I'm associating between all involved entities are all marked as the PK.
by thinkzig
Tue 26 May 2009 15:07
Forum: LinqConnect (LINQ to SQL support)
Topic: Association Editor not working in Entity Developer 2.0.21
Replies: 3
Views: 2348


That did the trick.
by thinkzig
Tue 26 May 2009 13:12
Forum: LinqConnect (LINQ to SQL support)
Topic: Association Editor not working in Entity Developer 2.0.21
Replies: 3
Views: 2348

Association Editor not working in Entity Developer 2.0.21

The OK button is disabled in any instance I have of the Association Editor since installing Entity Developer 2.0.21. It's editing a schema produced with an earlier version of the ED from mid-April. I don't remember the version number.

If I try to add a new association or edit an existing one, the OK button is always disabled and I can never click it.

Any thoughts on what might be wrong?

by thinkzig
Tue 26 May 2009 11:43
Forum: dotConnect for MySQL
Topic: no download link after purchase?
Replies: 3
Views: 1947


I do appreciate you getting back with me, but is there a reason why I couldn't have been sent an automatic email with the same information?

It ended up being about 15 hours from the time I purchased the software until the time I could actually use it and the delay effectively killed a day I had set aside to work on projects.

Again, I'm a big fan of dotConnect and think you are filling an important need in the .NET/mySQL space, but in 2009 to not be able to immediately download a piece of software purchased from a software company - especially a development software company - is puzzling at best and frustrating at worst.

I hope this is something you will strongly consider changing. Thanks for hearing me out, and I wish you continued success with a great product.
by thinkzig
Mon 25 May 2009 21:03
Forum: dotConnect for MySQL
Topic: no download link after purchase?
Replies: 3
Views: 1947

no download link after purchase?

I ordered a dotConnect for MySQL Professional license 90 minutes ago and still have not received any information on how to download and install the licensed software.

I've been using the 30 day trial and it expired today, so now I'm dead in the water until I can install the licensed bits. I'm assuming by now that this is not an automated process and someone on your end has to manually send me an email after confirming my credit card purchase with share-it.

I'm very happy with the demo. You all are doing a great job with dotConnect and I was happy to purchase a full license, but it's unacceptable that I cannot download and use the software I just spent almost $200 on immediately after purchasing it.

Please consider changing your process to automatically email buyers their redemption information after a purchase is made. I don't know if the reason for the delay is to prevent piracy or something else, but whatever it is it is not very customer friendly.