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by MariiaI
Fri 22 Jan 2016 06:18
Forum: dotConnect for SQLite
Topic: LINQ to SQL & SQLite - Searching in UTF-8 string
Replies: 3
Views: 3506

Re: LINQ to SQL & SQLite - Searching in UTF-8 string

Thank you for the reply and sharing your solution for such case.
If you'll encounter any futher issues with dotConnect for SQLite/LinqConnect, feel free to contact us.
by MariiaI
Thu 21 Jan 2016 12:52
Forum: dotConnect for SQLite
Topic: LINQ to SQL & SQLite - Searching in UTF-8 string
Replies: 3
Views: 3506

Re: LINQ to SQL & SQLite - Searching in UTF-8 string

If we understood you correctly, you are expecting to get all record with the 'oğuz' occurrence (case-insensitive).
Most likely, the issue is related to this aspect( ):
lower(X) The lower(X) function returns a copy of string X with all ASCII characters converted to lower case. The default built-in lower() function works for ASCII characters only. To do case conversions on non-ASCII characters, load the ICU ( ... README.txt) extension.
by MariiaI
Thu 21 Jan 2016 08:03
Forum: Entity Developer
Topic: Best place to set DataContext connection string?
Replies: 9
Views: 4176

Re: Best place to set DataContext connection string?

I am using Entity Developer Linq to SQL and I wanted to know where is the best place tell the DataContext what connection string to use?
You can set connection via Entity Developer:
- check that "Use the following connection string from App.Config" is selected in the Model Properties;
- open Database Explorer and right-click on Database Connection-> Edit Connection Properties;
- change connection to the necessary one and save the changes.
Also you can set connection in the code:

Code: Select all

TestDataContext context = new TestDataContext(connectionString);
I wonder if I can recreated it so it is class per file, I don't see an empty partial class for the datacontext but I do see the partial created by the designer. Is there some setting in the designer setting I need to change to create the empty partial, the one the designer will not override?
Set the "Generate Partial Class" option to True in the Properties of the used template and the files of the partial classes will be generated (these files are generated only once when the model is created and they are not regenerated after any changes to the model to save your manual changes).
Shouldn't that be Devart.Data.Linq and Devart.Data.Linq.Mapping?
No, it shouldn't. LinqConnect is our own ORM solution, closely compatible to Microsoft LINQ to SQL: .
LinqConnect provides support for SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite, and includes visual model designer - Entity Developer. With Entity Developer which is bundled with LinqConnect, you will be able to work with the LinqConnect models against SQL Server (Standard edition) and Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite (Professional edition).

There is no LinqConnect support in Entity Developer Professional (separate product). Entity Developer Professional Edition allows designing models for NHibernate, Entity Framework, and LINQ to SQL (not LinqConnect):
What versions of the Devart dll's should I have referenced? Where are they devart dlls? I didn't see them in GAC.
You shouldn't add any Devart assemblies when working with Entity Developer and LINQ to SQL. Devart assemblies are required for LinqConnect support.
I am convinced your Linq to SQL template doesn't generate the correct code.
Please describe the exact steps you are performing, send us the exact code you are getting after these steps and the code you are expecting to get.
by MariiaI
Wed 20 Jan 2016 14:44
Forum: Entity Developer
Topic: Model first Default Constraints?
Replies: 3
Views: 1392

Re: Model first Default Constraints?

Select the necessary entity property and open its Properties (right-click the selected property and select Properties from the shortcut menu), find 'Default Value' and set the necessary value.
If it is not what you mean, please describe your scenario more clearly.
by MariiaI
Wed 20 Jan 2016 14:15
Forum: Entity Developer
Topic: Default NULL incorrectly generated
Replies: 2
Views: 1396

Re: Default NULL incorrectly generated

Thank you for the report on this. We will inform you about the results regarding this issue as soon as any are available.
by MariiaI
Wed 20 Jan 2016 14:14
Forum: Entity Developer
Topic: Looking for code examples of Entity Developer Linq to SQL
Replies: 5
Views: 1967

Re: Looking for code examples of Entity Developer Linq to SQL

LINQ to SQL model created via Entity Developer is closely similar to standard Microsoft's model (*.dbml model). Thus, the appropriate documentation: ... .110).aspx ... s-13a42a54
and some info in the Entity Developer documentation: ORM Support -> LINQ to SQL Models

You can also take a look at LinqConnect documentation and samples, which are available here:
2) in the Entity Developer documentation: ORM Support -> LinqConnect
3) samples are available in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Devart\dotConnect\Linq\Samples\" folder after installing LinqConnect (if the Samples component has been selected during installation).

LinqConnect is our own ORM solution, closely compatible to Microsoft LINQ to SQL. LinqConnect includes some features not available in other ORM solutions, e.g. LINQ to SQL. The list of the features is available here: ... sions.html
by MariiaI
Wed 20 Jan 2016 14:05
Forum: Entity Developer
Topic: How to change the schema that the model uses?
Replies: 4
Views: 1526

Re: How to change the schema that the model uses?

OutOfTouch6947 wrote:Ok I think I found it under Model Settings -> Mapping -> Target Schema.
Glad to see that the issue was resolved. If you encounter any issues with it, feel free to contact us.
by MariiaI
Fri 08 Jan 2016 13:10
Forum: dotConnect for Oracle
Topic: Calling oracle function which returns SYS_REFCURSOR throws an exception
Replies: 3
Views: 1989

Re: Calling oracle function which returns SYS_REFCURSOR throws an exception

Glad to see that the issue was resolved.
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us.
by MariiaI
Fri 08 Jan 2016 11:24
Forum: dotConnect for Oracle
Topic: Calling oracle function which returns SYS_REFCURSOR throws an exception
Replies: 3
Views: 1989

Re: Calling oracle function which returns SYS_REFCURSOR throws an exception

We have migrated dotConnect for Oracle 6.5 to 8.5.
LinqConnect uses its own classes since version 4.0/ dotConnect for Oracle 7.0.6 released on 22-May-12 (since this version the references to System.Data.Linq are removed, LinqConnect uses only its own classes; there were a lot of fixes/improvements since this version, including the code generation, compiled query cache, etc.).

The generated code for the method, which corresponds to the FM_GET_DOKID_BY_HASH function, should look like this:

Code: Select all

        [ResultType(typeof(FMGETDOKIDBYHASHOUTResult), 0, ResultTypeOrigin.ReturnValue)]
        public Devart.Data.Linq.ISingleResult<FMGETDOKIDBYHASHOUTResult> FMGETDOKIDBYHASH([Parameter(Name="I_LIVELINK_HASH", DbType="VARCHAR2(4000 CHAR)")] string I_LIVELINK_HASH)
            IExecuteResult _FMGETDOKIDBYHASHResult = this.ExecuteMethodCall(this, ((MethodInfo)(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod())), I_LIVELINK_HASH);
            return ((Devart.Data.Linq.ISingleResult<FMGETDOKIDBYHASHOUTResult>)(_FMGETDOKIDBYHASHResult.ReturnValue));
Please refer to: ... Value.html

We recommend you to make changes to this code this way:
- open Model Explorer;
- right-click the necessary method in Methods and select Attributes;
- click 'Yes' in opened dialog box;
- in the opened 'Model Settings' window click "Add..." and find and select 'Devart.Data.Linq';
- you will see the list of available attributes, please select only 'Devart.Data.Linq.Mapping.ResultTypeAttribute';
- select ResultTypeAttribute(Type, Int32, ResultTypeOrigin) and move it to the Selected Attributes;
- in Constructor Parameters set 'origin' to "ReturnValue", 'type' to you return type (e.g., FMGETDOKIDBYHASHOUTResult), order to 0;
- save changes to your model.

Please notify us about the results.
by MariiaI
Tue 05 Jan 2016 10:19
Forum: LinqConnect (LINQ to SQL support)
Topic: no me genera clase DataContext
Replies: 1
Views: 3984

Re: no me genera clase DataContext

We have contacted you by e-mail.
by MariiaI
Tue 22 Dec 2015 10:24
Forum: LinqConnect (LINQ to SQL support)
Topic: Can't get LinqConnect Designer to come up?
Replies: 2
Views: 5262

Re: Can't get LinqConnect Designer to come up?

Please perform the following steps:
1) Open your project with the LinqConnect model in Visual Studio.
2) Select Properties from the shortcut menu of the *.lqml file and check that "Custom Tool" is set to DevartLinqToSQLGenerator.
3) Open your model (*.lqml file) in Entity Developer; e.g. right-click the model file (*.lqml) and select "Open With..." from the shortcut menu. In the opened window select "Devart Entity Developer", click "Set as Default" and then "OK".
4) Expand the Templates node in Model Explorer - there should be at least one template, e.g. 'LinqConnect'. When working in Visual Studio, the code is generated automatically when the model is saved, valid and if one of the available templates is available for this model. If template is not added to the model yet, you can add it to the model via the Add Template dialog box.
5) Save the changes. The *.Designer.cs file should be generated.

JIC: you can also forcibly re-generate model files by right-clicking the model file (*.lqml) and selecting "Run Custom Tool" from the shortcut menu.

Besides, if you recently upgraded your LinqConnect, there could be some issues while uninstalling/installing newer version. Please also try performing these steps:
1) uninstall LinqConnect and other Devart products, which can use common assemblies (e.g., dotConnect for Oracle);
2) clear these folders:
- Program Files (x86)\Devart\dotConnect
- Program Files (x86)\Devart\Entity Developer
- Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Devart\dotConnect
- Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Devart\Entity Developer
- Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\Devart;
3) remove all Devart.* and policy.*.Devart.* files from the GAC:
- C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\;
- C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL
4) install LinqConnect (run installation package as administrator) and other Devart products, if necessary, with compatible versions.

Make sure, that during uninstalling/installing all Visual Studio instances are closed.

If all these steps don't help, please send us test project with your model, so that we could investigate the issue in more details.
by MariiaI
Wed 16 Dec 2015 13:23
Forum: LinqConnect (LINQ to SQL support)
Topic: string Contains method in Linq throws error
Replies: 1
Views: 2083

Re: string Contains method in Linq throws error

The JSONB data type is supported since LinqConnect 4.4.745 (07-May-15):

Also, please take a look at these methods: ... Query.html ... mmand.html

As for the "System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary." error, we couldn't reproduce it in our environment with the latest build of LinqConnect 4.5.881.
Please create and send us a small test project with the necessary DDL/DML scripts, with which this error is reproducible. This will significantly speed up the process of determining the cause of the issue and finding the solution for it.
by MariiaI
Fri 11 Dec 2015 10:27
Forum: dotConnect for PostgreSQL
Topic: GAC policies for EF6 assemblies
Replies: 5
Views: 1983

Re: GAC policies for EF6 assemblies

The possibility of renaming Devart Entity Framework assemblies to include EF version in the name will be considered in details when EF7 support will be ready for release (it is planned in several months).
We will definitely inform you about the results as soon as any are available.
by MariiaI
Fri 11 Dec 2015 10:26
Forum: Entity Developer
Topic: Start ED without admin rights
Replies: 7
Views: 4737

Re: Start ED without admin rights

Unfortunately, currently, there is no plans to change this.
Please post your suggestion at our UserVoice so that other users can vote for it.
by MariiaI
Thu 10 Dec 2015 13:43
Forum: LinqConnect (LINQ to SQL support)
Topic: How to generate case insensitive LIKE comparision with LINQ?
Replies: 22
Views: 27836

Re: How to generate case insensitive LIKE comparision with LINQ?

We couldn't reproduce this error in our environment with the latest build of LinqConnect 4.5.881. We are sending you a small test project to the e-mail address you provided in your forum profile. Please check that is not blocked by your mail filter. Please test it and notify us about the results.
If this doesn't help, please modify it so that the issue could be reproduced and send it back to us, or send us your sample project (with the necessary DDL/DML scripts).