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by TonyV
Fri 14 Oct 2011 21:06
Forum: dotConnect for PostgreSQL
Topic: AspNetPgSqlMembershipProvider configuration issue
Replies: 4
Views: 1203


I just checked the TestResults folder. It turns out that when you run a test, the Test system creates a new folder under the TestResults folder for your solution and copies the files from the test project's bin\Debug folder (if you're running in debug mode) into the Out folder of the new test specific folder.

And it's not copying the DevArt dlls, even though they're in the test project's bin\Debug folder. I've checked the settings for the 3 Devart DLLS that are used & they're set to Copy Always.

If anybody knows how I can get VS 2010 to copy these DLLs, I'd love to hear it.

In any event, if I put a breakpoint earlly in my test & manually copy the DLLs into the Out folder, it all works fine.

by TonyV
Fri 14 Oct 2011 20:52
Forum: dotConnect for PostgreSQL
Topic: AspNetPgSqlMembershipProvider configuration issue
Replies: 4
Views: 1203

AspNetPgSqlMembershipProvider configuration issue

I have an application that runs as a Windows service which needs to make calls to the DevArt ASPNET Membership provider. I've got an app.config file in the project with the following content:

Code: Select all



I took most of the file's contents from the app.config for another program I have that uses this same code and just tweaked it as necessary.

To test the code, we have a number of unit tests set up. I am debugging the code in the service through the unit test. To be clear, the app.config file is in the service project, not the test project. The module being tested has a property called CurrentUserName, which is included below:

Code: Select all

public string CurrentUserName {
        get { return iCurrentUserName; }
        set { 
            iCurrentUserName = value;

            if ( ! string.IsNullOrEmpty( iCurrentUserName ) && ! string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( iCurrentUserName ) ) {
                MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser( iCurrentUserName );

                if ( user == null ) {
                    Log( string.Format( "User \"{0}\" is not a registered user.  Cannot proceed with this user.", CurrentUserName ), EventTypeEnum.Error );

                    // Set the current user name to the empty string and the current domain ID to null
                    iCurrentUserName = string.Empty;
                    CurrentDomainId  = null;

                if ( user.IsLockedOut ) {
                    string msg = string.Format( "User \"{0}\" is currently locked out.  Cannot proceed with this user.", CurrentUserName );
                    Log( msg, EventTypeEnum.Error );

                    iCurrentUserName = string.Empty;
                    CurrentDomainId  = null;

                CurrentUser = CarSystemUser.Attach( user, true );
                UserProfile = CurrentUser.UserProfile;
                CurrentDomainId = UserProfile.DomainId;
When I single step through the code, a FileNotFound exception is thrown on the "MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser( iCurrentUserName );" line.

I checked the properties on the Devart.Data.PostgreSql.Web.dll file and they are set to Copy if newer. Is something wrong with my app.config or is it some other problem?

by TonyV
Wed 12 Oct 2011 18:37
Forum: dotConnect for PostgreSQL
Topic: Create a method in Entity Developer for a postgres function
Replies: 2
Views: 1481

Create a method in Entity Developer for a postgres function

I have a stored function in my Postgres database that looks like this:

Code: Select all

AS $$
When I run the Update Model from Database wizard I check off this function to be imported into the Model. But there's no method for it. If I try to right click and select "Create Method", or if I drag the function onto the design surface, I get the following error:

Code: Select all

Cannot create method for a storage function 'ScanLists' that can be composed. Only stored procedures can be mapped."
I want to be able to execute this stored proc from code through the entity model. How do I do this?

by TonyV
Wed 12 Oct 2011 15:07
Forum: dotConnect for PostgreSQL
Topic: What does this message mean?
Replies: 9
Views: 1688

Thanks, but now what?


Thank you very much! That did indeed fix that issue. However, I am now getting another message:

No mapping specified for the following EntitySet/AssociationSet - ImageTypes_ImagesSet.

How do I fix this issue? I tried to add a mapping to the association and I can't because the ImageTypeId property is gone from the Image entity class.


by TonyV
Tue 11 Oct 2011 13:16
Forum: dotConnect for PostgreSQL
Topic: What does this message mean?
Replies: 9
Views: 1688

What does this message mean?

I have an Entity Model for my code. There's one table, called Images, which has the following definition:

Code: Select all

CREATE TABLE "CarSystem"."Images" (
	"ReadId"			UUID		NOT NULL REFERENCES "CarSystem"."Reads"        ( "ReadId" ),
	"ImageTypeId"			INT		NOT NULL REFERENCES "CarSystem"."ImageTypes"   ( "ImageTypeId" ),
	"ImageClassId"			INT		NOT NULL REFERENCES "CarSystem"."ImageClasses" ( "ImageClassId" ) DEFAULT 3,
	"ImageOid"			INT		NOT NULL,
	"OrigX"				INT		NULL,
	"OrigY"				INT		NULL,
	"Width"				INT		NULL,
	"Height"			INT		NULL,
	"Camera"			VARCHAR(16)	NULL,
There are 2 different types of images: Overviews & Plates. The ImageTypeId is used to tell these apart.

In the Entity Developer, I selected the OrigX, OrigY, Width, and Height columns and dragged them out onto the design surface. I chose to make them a Derived Class, called PlateImage. After completing these tasks, I got the error below:

Problem in mapping fragments starting at lines 143, 177:Two entities with different keys are mapped to the same row. Ensure these two mapping fragments do not map two groups of entities with different keys to the same group of rows.

What does this message mean? How do I correct it?


by TonyV
Tue 04 Oct 2011 19:19
Forum: dotConnect for PostgreSQL
Topic: Postgres Stored procedures and Entity Developer
Replies: 1
Views: 978


I've got this working now.

At one point, I had defined the functions as returning a value other than void. To make it work, I had to change the return type on the procedure dialog in Entity Developer to (None). After that, I just had to get the parameters mapped to the properties & it all is fine.

by TonyV
Tue 04 Oct 2011 18:15
Forum: dotConnect for PostgreSQL
Topic: Postgres Stored procedures and Entity Developer
Replies: 1
Views: 978

Postgres Stored procedures and Entity Developer

I have an Entity Model for my database. I want to add stored procedures for inserting, updating, and deleting rows from certain tables. I can't get entity developer to list my stored procedures in the Behavior dialog.

Here's a sample of a stored procedure I've written:

Code: Select all

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "CarSystem"."InsertList"( ListName VARCHAR(50), ListTypeId INT, DomainId INT, Geofencing VARCHAR, Salt VARCHAR(50), WhiteListAlarmClassId INT ) RETURNS VOID AS $$
    INSERT INTO "CarSystem"."Lists"
         ( "ListName", "ListTypeId", "DomainId", "LastUpdate", "Geofencing", "Salt", "WhiteListAlarmClassId" )
        ( $1, $2, $3, NOW(), $4, $5, $6 );
This stored function shows up under "Stored Procedures", but I cannot do anything with it in the model.

What am I doing wrong?


by TonyV
Wed 21 Sep 2011 21:01
Forum: dotConnect for PostgreSQL
Topic: Issue with ASP .NET Profile Provider in WPF program
Replies: 8
Views: 2406

Looks good!

I have downloaded and installed the 6-Sep-2011 version of the dotConnect libraries. Now that my problem with access a version 9.0.4 server with the new DLLs is fixed, I've updated the table designs to use UUIDs for the UserId and RoleId columns in the aspnet_Xxxx tables.

I'm happy to report that all code is working 100%. Thanks!

by TonyV
Wed 21 Sep 2011 20:59
Forum: dotConnect for PostgreSQL
Topic: Upgraded to Sep 06 release and can't log in to database
Replies: 3
Views: 1022

Problem is resolved

Since I posted the question, I have uninstalled PostgreSQL version 9.0.4 and reinstalled it. Everything is working fine now. I dont' know what was wrong with the configuration I had on this machine originally, but whatever it was, it's back to normal now.

by TonyV
Fri 16 Sep 2011 19:45
Forum: dotConnect for PostgreSQL
Topic: Upgraded to Sep 06 release and can't log in to database
Replies: 3
Views: 1022

Interesting test results

I have installed PostgreSQL 9.1 on my machine, without uninstalling 9.0.4. The 9.1 install uses port 5433 to connect to it.

I created an empty copy of my database on the 9.1 server, and then I ran Entity Developer & created a new Data Model. In the Connection dialog, I specified the 9.1 port. I'm able to connect to the 9.1 server without problems but I still can't connec to the 9.0.4 server.

So it seems this is a backwards compatibility issue with the database driver. As my code is still in development, I'll just upgrade my server to 9.1 and be done with it. However, it would be nice if you could access previous releases of the server with this version of the dotConnect library.

I mean, once this is in production, I don't want to tell my users they have to upgrade postgres on their systems in addition to upgrading our software.


by TonyV
Fri 16 Sep 2011 14:49
Forum: dotConnect for PostgreSQL
Topic: Upgraded to Sep 06 release and can't log in to database
Replies: 3
Views: 1022

Upgraded to Sep 06 release and can't log in to database

I recently upgraded to the Sep 06 2011 release of dotConnect for PostgreSQL. After upgrading the projects in my solution to the new DLLs, my code can no longer connect to the database.

I even tried upgrading my Entity Framework model from the database and now Entity Framework will not connect.

The connection string my code uses is: User Id=CarSystem;Password=ELSAGelsag;Host=BREW-LAB-04;Database=CarSystem;Persist Security Info=True;Schema='"CarSystem"'

The error I'm getting is "Unexpected server response". I've verivied that the server is up & running. I'm using PostgreSql 9.04 64 bit server.


by TonyV
Fri 26 Aug 2011 19:22
Forum: dotConnect for PostgreSQL
Topic: Keep getting socket exceptions when DbMonitor is not running
Replies: 4
Views: 1247

That's it

I did change the Debug settings to break when CLR exceptions are thrown! I completely forgot about it!

I'll turn that setting off. That will fix it!

Thanks again!

by TonyV
Fri 26 Aug 2011 15:59
Forum: dotConnect for PostgreSQL
Topic: Keep getting socket exceptions when DbMonitor is not running
Replies: 4
Views: 1247

So this is normal?

So what you're saying is the behavior I'm seeing now is normal and the behavior I saw in the past (where the program would run without complaining if dbMonitor wasn't running) isn't normal?

OK, I'll buy that. I suppose I can put the call into a try-catch block & just ignore the exception. And I can put the call to instantiate the object into a #if DEBUG....#endif block so it won't get called in release.

Does that sound OK?

by TonyV
Thu 25 Aug 2011 18:15
Forum: dotConnect for PostgreSQL
Topic: Keep getting socket exceptions when DbMonitor is not running
Replies: 4
Views: 1247

Keep getting socket exceptions when DbMonitor is not running

I'm developing an application that uses dotConnect for PostgreSql and the Linq To Entities Framework 4. I built the entity model using Entity Developer.

When I first started on this application, the program would run fine, even if DbMonitor wasn't running. However, about 2 weeks ago, the program started dying if DbMonitor wasn't started. I was trying to fix an issue with the program not running under XP (I have another thread about that issue, and it's still not resolved, by the way).

Since then, I don't know what I did, but now the program generates the following socket exception whenever I start it & DbMonitor is not running:

No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

I need to fix this as DbMonitor will not be installed on client machines when the program goes to production.

How do I fix the program so this error no longer occurs?


by TonyV
Tue 23 Aug 2011 14:52
Forum: dotConnect for PostgreSQL
Topic: PostgreSQL LINQ to Entities Framework model not working
Replies: 12
Views: 2676


I couldn't find any "attach file" button on the post. I guess it's because the code section I inserted in the first post made the posts too wide for the page design.

Here's the app.config as plain text.

Code: Select all

