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UNI Dac Demo with SQL Server

Posted: Tue 25 Oct 2011 22:28
by jrheisler
I am reviewing the demo UNI application from your website. I can log onto Oracle, but I am not able to log into SQL Server.

This is a screen shot of my log in using MS SQL Server Management Studio:


How do I log into the demo app using the above login?[/img]

Posted: Wed 26 Oct 2011 09:34
by AndreyZ

Please try using the following code:

Code: Select all

UniConnection.ProviderName := 'SQL Server';
UniConnection.Server := 'JRHEISLER-PC\SQLEXPRESS';
UniConnection.SpecificOptions.Values['Authentication'] := 'auWindows';
UniConnection.LoginPrompt := False;
, and check if you can connect. If you cannot connect using this code, please specify the exact error that occurs.

Posted: Wed 26 Oct 2011 13:41
by jrheisler
Ok, but that would be something I can't do in the demo?

Posted: Wed 26 Oct 2011 14:16
by jrheisler
BTW, I sent an email to your sales@ email:

My name is Jeff Heisler. I work for a small US company, and we are in the process of converting a large fat client Oracle client (Delphi 7, DOA Oracle Components (dataset/query...))

We purchased RemObjects Data Abstract for our long range cross database support. But right now, we are in a huge time crunch to convert straight to sql server.

My question is, do you have some sort of cross marketing thing with RemObjects, or do I need to purchase your sql server components separately? More importantly, are your components well suited for a component level swap out with DOA components?

We are rather desperate, and extremely time sensitive.

Thank you in advance!

Jeff Heisler
[email protected]

Is there a way to have a conversation at devart?

Posted: Wed 26 Oct 2011 15:21
by AndreyZ
jrheisler wrote:Ok, but that would be something I can't do in the demo?
In UniDACDemo you should choose the SQL Server provider, your server, and your database in the connection dialog, and leave username and password blank. In this case UniDAC will use the Windows authentication.

Posted: Wed 26 Oct 2011 15:27
by AndreyZ
My question is, do you have some sort of cross marketing thing with RemObjects, or do I need to purchase your sql server components separately?
We don't have any agreements with RemObjects, you have to buy our components separately.
More importantly, are your components well suited for a component level swap out with DOA components?
We constantly improve UniDAC and add new functionality to it, so we think you will find our components appropriate for replacing DOA components. UniDAC has a lot of features, you can find more information about them here:

Posted: Wed 26 Oct 2011 17:51
by jrheisler
Thank you so much for you info, so, I should go with UniDAC instead of SDAC, as in the long run we still have to support Oracle.

Posted: Thu 27 Oct 2011 12:37
by AndreyZ
UniDAC provides unified access to a lot of database servers, such as SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, InterBase, Firebird, PostgreSQL, SQLite, NexusDB, and others. If you want to use server-specific features of SQL Server and Oracle, it's better to use SDAC and ODAC. You can try using UniDAC, SDAC, and ODAC trial versions to check which components are more suitable for you.

Posted: Thu 27 Oct 2011 12:56
by jrheisler
Thanks for the info. We are trying to come up with a single solution for Oracle and SQL Server, so I'll give UniDAC a shot.

Now if I can only get it installed.

I posted this, this am: ... 13&start=0

Posted: Thu 27 Oct 2011 13:36
by AndreyZ
I have already answered you there.

Posted: Tue 01 Nov 2011 21:15
by jrheisler
I finally have the components installed, and have my boss ordering them with source.

I did run into something. If I go to use the UniConnectForm, and leave the username/password blank, I get an error message of:

Project CMStatV6.exe raised exception class EMSError with message 'Login failed for user 'sa'.'. Process stopped. Use Step or Run to continue.

You told me earlier how to log in using SQL Server as:

UniConnection.ProviderName := 'SQL Server';
UniConnection.Server := 'JRHEISLER-PC\SQLEXPRESS';
UniConnection.SpecificOptions.Values['Authentication'] := 'auWindows';
UniConnection.LoginPrompt := False;

Does this mean I can't use UniConnectForm?

Posted: Wed 02 Nov 2011 09:42
by AndreyZ
For the time being TUniConnectForm doesn't support server-specific connection options. We plan to add such functionality in the future, but we cannot provide any timeframe. To avoid this problem, you can write your own connection form. Please take a look at the example of such connection form in the UniDACDemo->ConnectDialog demo.