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TUniLoader respects "Data Type Mapping" of UniConnection ?

Posted: Fri 02 Sep 2022 21:04
by luapfr
I'm doing some tests with "TUniLoader" my source bank is a Firebird with Numeric(18, 2)
field the destination bank is a Postgres with Numeric(18, 12)

How could I configure the "Data Type Mapping" to do this conversion because it's giving "numeric field overflow" error
I've made several attempts to use the "Data Type Mapping" but I don't know how to proceed.

In the Origin bank I put the following in UniConnection

object UniConnection1: TUniConnection
AutoCommit = False
DataTypeMap = <
DBType = 408
FieldType = ftFMTBcd
FieldLength = 18
FieldScale = 12
ProviderName = 'InterBase'
Database = 'D:\BDTest.Fdb'
Username = 'SYSDBA'
Connected = True
LoginPrompt = False
Left = 43
Top = 25

Re: TUniLoader respects "Data Type Mapping" of UniConnection ?

Posted: Thu 15 Sep 2022 15:30
by pavelpd
Thanks for contacting our blog!

Kindly note, that we were unable to reproduce the behavior you specified based on the data you provided.

Could you please compose and send us a sample application reproducing the behavior you have specified with all necessary DDL and DML scripts to create and populate database objects?
You can send all the needed samples via the e-support form:

Also, please send us the exact list of steps (actions) which leading to the error you indicated.
You can create and send us the screenshot demonstrating the issue.

Additionally, could you please clarify some additional information:
- What version of UniDAC do you have?;
- What version of RadStudio?;
- What version of the database: (FireBird and PostgreSQL);