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New version, but still error.

Posted: Thu 19 Feb 2009 04:35
by dqminh

In version, still urgent bug:

We have two tables parent and child with relation ship. All parent and child auto generated ID from trigger. Script below:

Code: Select all

CREATE TABLE v2_data_File(
    File_Id       NUMBER(10, 0)     NOT NULL,
    Message_Id    NUMBER(10, 0)     NOT NULL,
    File_Name     NVARCHAR2(128)    NOT NULL,
    Body          LONG RAW          NOT NULL,

CREATE TABLE v2_data_Message(
    Message_Id      NUMBER(10, 0)     NOT NULL,
    Parent_Id       NUMBER(10, 0),
    Body            NVARCHAR2(512)    NOT NULL,
    Created_Date    TIMESTAMP(6)      NOT NULL,
    Created_By      NVARCHAR2(256)    NOT NULL,
    Flag            CHAR(1)           NOT NULL,
Using Entity developer to gen C# code, with MessageId and FileId both auto generated value, and auto-sync on insert. So when insert entity to database, exception raise:

Code: Select all

BasicDataContext db = new BasicDataContext();
Message msg1 = new Message() { Body = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(), CreatedBy = "admin1", CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, Flag = "S" };
Message msg2 = new Message() { Body = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(), CreatedBy = "admin2", CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, Flag = "S" };
//db.Messages.InsertAllOnSubmit(new Message[] { msg1, msg2 });

File file = new File { Body = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2 }, FileName = "abc", Message = msg2 };
db.SubmitChanges(); // Value of member 'FileId' of an object of type 'File' changed.A member that is computed or generated by the database cannot be changed.
Please check it.

Posted: Thu 19 Feb 2009 09:18
by AndreyR
LINQ to Oracle inserts detail records when the parent record is inserted, this behavior causes the exception. Please change the code like following:

Code: Select all

        V2_DATA_MESSAGE msg2 = new V2_DATA_MESSAGE()
          BODY = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(),
          CREATED_BY = "admin2",
          CREATED_DATE = DateTime.Now,
          FLAG = "S"
        V2_DATA_FILE file = new V2_DATA_FILE
          BODY = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2 },
          FILE_NAME = "abc",
          V2_DATA_MESSAGE = msg2
The result code will insert both file and message without exceptions.

Posted: Thu 19 Feb 2009 10:39
by dqminh
Ok, thanks so much, it work :D

Group with paging is error.

Posted: Thu 19 Feb 2009 12:54
by dqminh
Yes, if I use the group by, then after that paging, it error.

Code: Select all

var query = db.OrderDetails
                .GroupBy(p => p.PartCode)
                .Select(g => new InShortSupplier()
                        PartCode = g.Key  

return query.Skip(startRowIndex).Take(maximumRows);
Oracle error: ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression

The query in dbmonitor:

Execute: SELECT t1."PartCode"
) t1
WHERE (t1.rnum > :p0) AND (t1.rnum <= :p1)

I think you must enclose with a new select outside this sql.

Posted: Thu 19 Feb 2009 15:36
by AndreyR
Thank you for the report, we have reproduced the problem.
I will let you know about the results of our investigation.

Posted: Fri 20 Feb 2009 06:59
by dqminh
And another bug: in the group by expression, if select only field, that ok, but if add the aggregate, the sql command is not valid:


Code: Select all

var query = db.OrderDetails
               .GroupBy(p => p.PartCode)
               .Select(g => new InShortSupplier()
                       PartCode = g.Key


Code: Select all

var query = db.OrderDetails
               .GroupBy(p => p.PartCode)
               .Select(g => new InShortSupplier()
                       PartCode = g.Key,
                       TotalOrder = g.Sum(p => p.OrderQuantity)

Posted: Tue 24 Feb 2009 15:31
by AndreyR
These problems are tightly related. I will let you know as soon as the issue is fixed.

Posted: Wed 25 Feb 2009 03:37
by dqminh
And another problem: dotConnect current not support compare DateTime? with null (long? with null is work)

Posted: Wed 25 Feb 2009 12:25
by AndreyR
Problems with DateTime and Group By are fixed. Look forward to the next build.

Posted: Wed 25 Feb 2009 15:17
by dqminh
Ok, and another bug :D

If we have a query (Q1) that return a list of object, and in object result has a property that is a result of another query (Q2), then if in Q2 has more than one where condition, the devart component throw the exception (a bug).


Code: Select all

var query = from h in db.OrderHeaders
where (h.Status == OrderStatus.OrderConfirmed || h.Status == OrderStatus.OrderSent) && h.DealerCode == UserHelper.DealerCode
orderby h.OrderDate
select new
	Items = from d in db.OrderDetails
	        join p in db.Parts on d.PartCode equals p.PartCode
	        where d.OrderHeaderId == h.OrderHeaderId // one condition
	        select new
	Total = (from d in db.OrderDetails
			 where d.OrderHeaderId == h.OrderHeaderId
			 select d.QuotationQuantity * d.UnitPrice).Sum()

Code: Select all

var query = from h in db.OrderHeaders
where (h.Status == OrderStatus.OrderConfirmed || h.Status == OrderStatus.OrderSent) && h.DealerCode == UserHelper.DealerCode
orderby h.OrderDate
select new
	Items = from d in db.OrderDetails
	        join p in db.Parts on d.PartCode equals p.PartCode
	        where d.OrderHeaderId == h.OrderHeaderId && p.DatabaseCode == "HTF" // two conditions
	        select new
	Total = (from d in db.OrderDetails
			 where d.OrderHeaderId == h.OrderHeaderId
			 select d.QuotationQuantity * d.UnitPrice).Sum()

Posted: Thu 26 Feb 2009 15:35
by AndreyR
This problem also was fixed.
We appreciate your help.

Posted: Tue 03 Mar 2009 02:46
by dqminh
Hi, is dotConnect support Transaction? I cannot find it.

Posted: Tue 03 Mar 2009 12:12
by Shalex
The application creates an OracleTransaction object by calling BeginTransaction on the OracleConnection object. All subsequent operations associated with the transaction (for example, committing or aborting the transaction), are performed on the OracleTransaction object.
The correlation between OracleConnection and OracleTransaction is always 1:1. Our documentation contains an example of using it in the appropriate section (OracleTransaction Class).

The LINQ queries can be executed inside TransactionScope. LINQ and Entity Framework queries contain the transaction in itself.

Posted: Tue 03 Mar 2009 15:27
by dqminh
Sorry, I still cannot find. Could you show me the example that demo the transaction with LINQ? Thanks.

Posted: Wed 04 Mar 2009 09:26
by AndreyR
In fact, when you call SubmitChanges(), LINQ opens a transaction for you, and if everything goes ok, it is commited,
and in case any exception occurs the transaction is rolled back.
But you stil can use TransactionScope, like in the following example:

Code: Select all

      TransactionOptions to = new TransactionOptions();
      to.IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted;
      using (TransactionScope trans = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, to)) {
        using (DataContext1 db = new DataContext1()) {
          Foo st1 = new Foo
            Name = "test1",
            Info = "test1"
          Foo st2 = new Foo
            Name = "test2",
            Info = "test2"
          db.Foos.InserAlltOnSubmit(new Foo[]{st1, st2});
In this case LINQ will use your transaction instead of creating a new one.
Also, DataContext contains the Transaction property, and you can assign it to your Transaction object.