TConnLostCause Enumeration

Specifies the cause of the connection loss.




TConnLostCause = (clUnknown, clExecute, clOpen, clRefresh, clApply, clServiceQuery, clTransStart, clConnectionApply, clConnect);


Value Meaning
clApply Connection loss detected during DataSet.ApplyUpdates (Reconnect/Reexecute possible).
clConnect Connection loss detected during connection establishing (Reconnect possible).
clConnectionApply Connection loss detected during Connection.ApplyUpdates (Reconnect/Reexecute possible).
clExecute Connection loss detected during SQL execution (Reconnect with exception is possible).
clOpen Connection loss detected during execution of a SELECT statement (Reconnect with exception possible).
clRefresh Connection loss detected during query opening (Reconnect/Reexecute possible).
clServiceQuery Connection loss detected during service information request (Reconnect/Reexecute possible).
clTransStart Connection loss detected during transaction start (Reconnect/Reexecute possible). clTransStart has less priority then clConnectionApply.
clUnknown The connection loss reason is unknown.

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