
Demos Overview

EntityDAC includes a number of demo projects that show off the main EntityDAC functionality and development patterns.

The EntityDAC demo projects consist of one large project called EntityDemo with demos for all main EntityDAC components, use cases, and ORM technologies, and a number of smaller projects on how to integrate EntityDAC with third-party components.

Where are the EntityDAC demo projects located?

The path to the EntityDAC demo projects folder is specified during the EntityDAC installation. By default, EntityDAC demo projects are located in the shared documents folder, for example "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Devart\EntityDAC\Demos\EntityDemo\".

EntityDemo is the main demo project that shows off all the EntityDAC functionality.

The DataProviders directory contains a number of data providers for most known third-party data access components.

Note: The demo data providers may require installation of corresponding third-party components to compile and work properly.

Demo project descriptions

See also:

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