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No pg.hba.conf entry for host

Posted: Thu 09 Sep 2021 23:15
by johnmatic
Hi Devart Forum,

I'm using the ODBC driver for PostgreSQL on an AWS hosted database using SSH security via Jumpcloud. (Don't blame me, not my design.)

The configuration used for the ODBC driver is as follows:

Advanced Settings:
IP Version: IPV4
Protocol: pv20
ODBC behavior: Default

Security: SSH Settings
I've set the host name, port 22, my user name and password and the client private key. I've given a file location on the storage path. Other fields are left blank.

The test connection produces the error message "No pg.hba.conf entry for host (with an IP address, the user, and database name,) SSL off." I'm not sure why the reference to SSL in the error message when the connection is SSH.

I can successfully connect to the database via SSH on pgAdmin4 to write SQL outside of the ODBC, which I need for SSRS.

I'm just not sure where the debug issue lies? Any help would be most appreciated.


Re: No pg.hba.conf entry for host

Posted: Fri 10 Sep 2021 10:18
by evgeniym
Hi John,
Unfortunately, we couldn't reproduce this issue on our side. So we would like ask to provide some screenshots:
- General and SSH Options tabs from ODBC Driver for PostgreSQL settings
- Connection and SSH Tunnel settings from pgAdmin.
Please send them through the form on our website: