TOraSession.Options Property

Used to specify the behaviour of a TOraSession object.




property Options: TOraSessionOptions;


Set the properties of Options to specify the behaviour of a TOraSession object.

Descriptions of all options are in the table below.

Option Name Description
CharLength Used to specify the size of a single character in bytes.
Charset Used to set the character set that ODAC uses to read and write character data.
ClientIdentifier Used to determine the client identifier in the session.
ConnectionTimeout Used to specify the time to wait for a connection to open before raising an exception.
ConvertEOL Affects the line break behavior in string fields and parameters.
DateFormat Used to specify the default date format used when Oracle makes conversions from internal date format into string values and vice versa.
DateLanguage Used to specify the default language used when Oracle parses internal date format into string values and vice versa.
Direct Used for ODAC to connect directly over TCP/IP (in Direct mode) and without requiring Oracle software on the client side.
EnableBCD Used to enable currency type. Default value of this option is False.
EnableFMTBCD Used to enable using FMTBCD instead of float for large integer numbers to keep precision.
EnableIntegers Used for ODAC to map Oracle numbers with precision less than 10 to TIntegerField.
EnableLargeint Used for ODAC to map Oracle numbers with precision less than 10 to TIntegerField.
EnableNumbers Used for ODAC to map Oracle numbers with precision larger than 15 to TOraNumberField.
EnableOraTimestamp Used to create TOraTimeStampField for columns of TIMESTAMP data type.
IPVersion Used to specify Internet Protocol Version.
OptimizerMode Used to get or set the default optimizer mode for connection.
StatementCache Used for ODAC to cache statement handles.
StatementCacheSize Used to specify the statement handle cache size.
SubscriptionPort Sets the client port used to receive notifications.
UnicodeEnvironment Enables or disables using OCI Unicode Environment.
UseOCI7 Used to force TOraSession use OCI 7 call style only.
UseUnicode Used to enable or disable Unicode support.

See Also

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