TMemDataSet.SetRange Method

Sets the starting and ending values of a range, and applies it.




procedure SetRange(const StartValues: array of System.TVarRec; const EndValues: array of System.TVarRec; StartExlusive: Boolean = False; EndExclusive: Boolean = False);

Indicates the field values that designate the first record in the range. In C++, StartValues_Size is the index of the last value in the StartValues array.
Indicates the field values that designate the last record in the range. In C++, EndValues_Size is the index of the last value in the EndValues array.
Iindicates the upper and lower boundaries of the start range.
Indicates the upper and lower boundaries of the end range.


Call SetRange to specify a range and apply it to the dataset. The new range replaces the currently specified range, if any.

SetRange combines the functionality of SetRangeStart, SetRangeEnd, and ApplyRange in a single procedure call. SetRange performs the following functions:

After a call to SetRange, the cursor is left on the first record in the range.

If either StartValues or EndValues has fewer elements than the number of fields in the current index, then the remaining entries are ignored when performing a search.

See Also

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