Hierarchy Chart

Many UniDAC classes are inherited from standard VCL/LCL classes. The inheritance hierarchy chart for UniDAC is shown below. The UniDAC classes are represented by hyperlinks that point to their description in this documentation. A description of the standard classes can be found in the documentation of your IDE.




|   |-TCustomConnection

|   |   |-TCustomDAConnection

|   |       |-TUniConnection

|   |-TDataSet

|   |   |-TMemDataSet

|   |       |-TCustomDADataSet

|   |       |    |-TCustomUniDataSet

|   |       |    |   |-TUniQuery

|   |       |    |   |-TUniStoredProc

|   |       |    |   |-TUniTable

|   |       |    |-TDAMetaData

|   |       |        |-TUniMetaData

|   |       |-TVirtualTable

|   |-TDataSource

|   |   |-TCRDataSource

|   |       |-TUniDataSource

|   |-T:Devart.Dac.DADataAdapter

|   |   |-T:Devart.UniDac.UniDataAdapter

|   |-TCRBatchMove

|   |-TCustomConnectDialog

|   |   |-TUniConnectDialog

|   |-TCustomDASQL

|   |   |-TUniSQL

|   |-TCustomDASQLMonitor

|   |   |-TUniSQLMonitor

|   |-TDADump

|   |   |-TUniDump

|   |-TDALoader

|   |   |-TUniLoader

|   |-TDAScript

|   |   |-TUniScript

|   |-TDATransaction

|   |   |-TUniTransaction

|   |-TDAAlerter

|   |   |-TUniAlerter

|   |-TCREncryptor

|   |   |-TUniEncryptor

|   |-TCustomDAUpdateSQL

|   |   |-TUniUpdateSQL

|   |-TUniProvider





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