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Entity Developer 3.50 is released!

Posted: Wed 18 May 2011 16:13
by Devart
Dear users,

Devart is glad to announce the release of Entity Developer 3.50!

The new version contains numerous and significant enhancements in template use and management alongside certain other functional improvements.

Now, it is possible to add more than one template to the model, register added templates within the model and store them either in the Entity Developer resources, or in the specified folder, or together with the model itself. The so-called "shared" templates can now be easily shared between different models.

Another new feature in the area of template use and management is the possibility to exclude templates from the process of code generation by setting their "enabled" property to "false". This greatly improves the flexibility of the code generation process.

Template code can be easily edited in the improved built-in T4 editor. Our T4 editor features extensive intellisense functionality, syntax highlighting, navigation to definitions and declarations of objects and members, present in the template file or included files, multilevel template inclusion and some others.

The range of templates available in Entity Developer is further extended with the POCO template with XML mapping for LINQ to SQL and the POCO, Self-Tracking, DbContext, and Fluent mapping templates for Entity Framework.

Additionally, the Entity Developer application now features, alongside the FilePerClass option, the EntitiesOutput and ContextOutput functionality that allows redirecting code generation for entities and appropriate contexts to any folder or project.

Presently, Entity Developer makes it possible for developers to exclude classes from being overwritten at each generation; in multi-layered application development, this allows creating sets of sample classes that can later be modified as needed.

The use of extended properties defined directly in template code makes the process of code generation much more flexible. The developer can customize the set of properties of any element in the model by declaring extended properties both in template code and in model properties. For example, you can add the Generate property to every class and then exclude some classes from generated code by setting this property in the designer.

Starting with this version of Entity Developer, developers can select attributes from all available assemblies, set values of attribute parameters and assign attributes to classes, properties or contexts of their model. Assigned attributes and the values of their parameters will be present in generated code. For example, the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotation attributes can be used for validation.

Here is the complete list of Entity Developer 3.50.128 features:
  • New Templates are added:
    • LINQ to SQL: POCO template with XML mapping generation
    • Entity Framework: POCO template, Self-Tracking template, DbContext template with fluent mapping generation
  • Templates usability is improved
  • Template Editor is significantly improved
  • Ability to declare additional properties for model objects is added
  • Ability to specify .NET attributes for model objects is added
  • The "Preserve schema name in storage" option is added
  • The bug with procedures that differ only by name in Database Explorer is fixed (Entity Framework models)
  • The bug with launching Devart documentation via Start menu is fixed
  • The bug with the "Access" combobox of the Association editor in LINQ to SQL models is fixed
If you need another feature in Entity Developer, visit our forum at UserVoice and vote for suggested features or suggest your own one.

Devart development team