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by ewong
Tue 30 Mar 2021 09:34
Forum: EntityDAC
Topic: EntityDataset update when underlying table changes
Replies: 1
Views: 16998

EntityDataset update when underlying table changes


I'm not entirely sure whether this is a dataset issue, or a database issue or a model issue.

I have an EntityConnection, EntityXMLModel, Datasource, EntityDataset and a grid on a form.

The dataset is linked to a database table (via the EntityConnection/XML Model). The datasource is connected to the entitydataset. The dbgrid is linked to the datasource.

Right now, when I run the application, the dbgrid populates with the information as gleamed off the database table. But when some more items are added to the database table, the dbgrid doesn't know anything about these changes.

My question is, how do I get the dbgrid to update automatically? At this moment, I'm just thinking of using dbgrid.datasource.dataset.refresh() with a timer; but this seems a little (for lack of a better word), silly. Is there a better way?


by ewong
Tue 30 Mar 2021 04:49
Forum: EntityDAC
Topic: EntityDataset reverse order
Replies: 1
Views: 16500

EntityDataset reverse order


I have a TEntityDataset that's linked to a mysql database via EntityDAC connection/model. There is an ID column which is indexed.

I have read viewtopic.php?f=8&hilit=reverse%20order ... c9ac012e80.

I did the following:

Code: Select all

   recentinfoconnection.ConnectionString := '<connection string>';
   recentinfo := Linq.From(recentinfocontext['RecentInfo']).Select;
   recentinfodataset.SourceCollection := RecentInfoContext.GetEntities(recentinfo);
   recentinfodataset.IndexFieldnames := 'Id desc';
And while it runs, the order of the table is still ascending.

I noticed that for some reasons, I didn't have an ID index available; so I thought this was the issue. I used dbForge studio to create an ID index for the table.

However, it still didn't work. I tried this with a TUniTable + TUniConnection + TDatasource+ TDBGrid,

Code: Select all

   unicon.connectionstring := '<connection string>';
   unitable1.connection := unicon;
   unitable1.table := 'recentinfo';
   unitable1.indexfieldnames := 'Id desc';
   datasource1.dataset := unitable1;
   dbgrid1.datasource =datasource1; := True;
The above snippet works, so I know that the index works. Does TEntityDataset's IndexFieldNames not
work the same way?

Can someone point out what I might be missing?


by ewong
Fri 13 Dec 2019 08:18
Forum: dbForge for MySQL
Topic: dbforge studio 7.2.78 and mysql
Replies: 5
Views: 3450

Re: dbforge studio 7.2.78 and mysql

alexa wrote: Thu 12 Dec 2019 11:04 Sorry for the confusion.

Version 5.7.27 still not supported in that version of dbForge, despite it supports earlier builds of MySQL 5.7...

The problem is that dbForge Studio for MySQL v7.2.78 was released on 26-Jul-17, whereas MySQL 5.7.27 was released on 2019-07-22. So, on the release date of dbForge Studio for MySQL v7.2.78 that server version (5.7.27) didn't exist yet.

We recommend you to try the latest version dbForge Studio for MySQL, v8.2.23

You can download a 30-day Trial version for evaluation.
Thanks for the clarifications, Alexa.

I logged onto my account and clicked on the "Download trial" link (; but was promptly sent to a 404 page. I'll just use the link you gave me.

by ewong
Thu 12 Dec 2019 04:11
Forum: dbForge for MySQL
Topic: dbforge studio 7.2.78 and mysql
Replies: 5
Views: 3450

Re: dbforge studio 7.2.78 and mysql

alexa wrote: Wed 11 Dec 2019 12:23
Just wondering which version of MySQL does dBforge for mysql 7.2.78 supports? I have MySQL 5.7.27 running.
MySQL 5.7 is supported starting from dbForge Studio for MySQL, v7.0.46
Hi Alexa,

Then I'm very puzzled as to why it keeps on displaying the not supported dialog. (I was going to attach an image of the dialog; but can't seem to find that option on this board.) The dialog basically states "This server version 5.7.27 is not currently supported."

I just looked at the help for dbForge Studio for MySQL and it shows "7.2.78" as the version.

So colour me very stumped.

Any help appreciated.


by ewong
Wed 11 Dec 2019 03:48
Forum: dbForge for MySQL
Topic: dbforge studio 7.2.78 and mysql
Replies: 5
Views: 3450

dbforge studio 7.2.78 and mysql

Just wondering which version of MySQL does dBforge for mysql 7.2.78 supports? I have MySQL 5.7.27 running.

Also, while I have the activation code for it, I can't seem to find the place in the dbforge studio to input it. Am I missing something?


by ewong
Tue 06 Dec 2016 04:54
Forum: Universal Data Access Components
Topic: creating a SQLite database with UniDAC
Replies: 2
Views: 4199

creating a SQLite database with UniDAC


How would I create a SQLite database with UniDAC programmatically?

I searched for some answers and tried the following:
(this is in a form_oncreate event handler)

sql_cmd := 'create database "j:\test.db"';
uniscript1.noPreconnect := True;

But when I run it, I get "unable to open database file." when it hits
the last line.

So obviously that doesn't work.

Any help appreciated.

by ewong
Mon 28 Nov 2016 08:02
Forum: Universal Data Access Components
Topic: UniDAC & MySQL on android
Replies: 2
Views: 2089

Re: UniDAC & MySQL on android

Apparently I had a bunch of components (from my previous tests) that affected it.
Removing them (and adding that TMySQLProvider) allows the app to be built and

Sorry for the noise.
by ewong
Mon 28 Nov 2016 05:32
Forum: Universal Data Access Components
Topic: UniDAC & MySQL on android
Replies: 2
Views: 2089

UniDAC & MySQL on android


I'm using XE7 to build a multi-device application (currently figuring out the parts
needed only for the Android version).

I'm using a trial UniDAC to accomplish this (although I have purchased the license,
I'm waiting for the license information); but, even in a simple form with
one grid, one UniQUery, one UniConnection, and a MySQLUniProvider;but,
I can't seem to build:

It would give me an error on Data.DBXMySQL. (It's ok on a Windows target).

The error in the Messages pane:

[DCC Fatal Error] dsnap_clientunit.pas(14): F1026 File not found: 'J:\projects\gitprojs\delphi\dsnap\Data.DBXMySQL.dcu' (unit scope "Data" indicates Android, iOSDevice, Win32, OSX32, iOSSimulator, Win64 only)

I've followed ... r-xe6.html (despite it being for CBuilder only); but I translated the
necessary SpecificOptions to Delphi (but in 6.4.16, there doesn't seem to have a
"Direct" SpecificOption available for MySQL).

Any help appreciated.

by ewong
Sat 23 Jul 2011 01:25
Forum: dbForge for MySQL
Topic: dbForge Fusion and RAD XE
Replies: 3
Views: 1808

Could you please tell us what version of dbForge Fusion you are using?
I'm using 4.50.348.

by ewong
Fri 22 Jul 2011 02:10
Forum: dbForge for MySQL
Topic: dbForge Fusion and RAD XE
Replies: 3
Views: 1808

dbForge Fusion and RAD XE


I'm using dbForge Fusion with RAD XE on a Vista machine.

When I launch RAD XE and then close XE (irregardless of whether
I opened a project), XE closes and then gives me an
error message:

When I open a project, and then click on the X top right
icon to close the IDE, the IDE closes. After about a
few seconds, a Windows error box appears:

Embarcadero RAD Studio for Windowshas stopped working

Windows can check online for a solution to the problem.

-> Check online for a solution and close the program
-> Close the program
-> Debug the program

I would select Close the program.

Here's a problem signature (FWIW).

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: bds.exe
Application Version: 15.0.3953.35171
Application Timestamp: 4cca081f
Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.0.6002.18327
Fault Module Timestamp: 4cb73436
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 000393b3
OS Version: 6.0.6002.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: bfef
Additional Information 2: e8adce1c2b9e7be834b4063ac3c53863
Additional Information 3: bfef
Additional Information 4: e8adce1c2b9e7be834b4063ac3c53863

Read our privacy statement: ... cid=0x0409

When I open RAD XE again. I don't open a project. I click the X.
It closes and once again, the same Windows error appears:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: bds.exe
Application Version: 15.0.3953.35171
Application Timestamp: 4cca081f
Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.0.6002.18327
Fault Module Timestamp: 4cb73436
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 000393b3
OS Version: 6.0.6002.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: bfef
Additional Information 2: e8adce1c2b9e7be834b4063ac3c53863
Additional Information 3: bfef
Additional Information 4: e8adce1c2b9e7be834b4063ac3c53863

Read our privacy statement: ... cid=0x0409

The same thing happens when I File->Exit.

I do have a few third party packages installed and was advised
to uninstall them one by one and see how things go.

I ran XE. Closed. Crashed.
I uninstalled 2 third party packages. Ran XE. Closed. Crashed.
I uninstalled dbForge Fusion. Ran XE. Closed. No crash.

I downloaded the updated dbForge Fusion. Installed it.
Ran XE. Closed. Crashed.

Uninstalled dbForge Fusion. Ran XE. Closed. No crash.

I realize this isn't a proven scientific experiment, but I
would hazard a guess that dbForge Fusion doesn't like
XE running on my system. Either that or it doesn't
want me to Close XE. ;)

Might anyone at DevArt be able to help me?

by ewong
Wed 29 Jun 2011 03:36
Forum: MySQL Data Access Components
Topic: Access Denied
Replies: 3
Views: 1488


I found out why.

The database name is case sensitive. :(

Sorry for the message churn.

But, with regards to catching errors, where do I find the
documentation of EMySQLException? The following gives me
an undefined declaration error.

by ewong
Wed 29 Jun 2011 03:07
Forum: MySQL Data Access Components
Topic: Access Denied
Replies: 3
Views: 1488

Access Denied


I have a MySQL database on a local network server and
am having trouble connection via TMySQLConnection.

mycon := TMySQLConnection.create(nil);
mycon.database := 'mydb';
mycon.server := '';
mycon.user := 'myuser';
mycon.password := 'mypass';

It gives me a EMySQLException (btw, which module is this from?)
saying "#42000Access denied for 'myuser'@'%' to database 'mydb'.

Using dbforge, I create a new connection using the following parameters:

Server :
User : myuser
Password : mypass
Database : mydb

And it connects ok.

Am I missing something?


by ewong
Tue 22 Mar 2011 09:46
Forum: MySQL Data Access Components
Topic: check if table exists in a database
Replies: 1
Views: 8181

check if table exists in a database


Can someone point out how I can find if a table exists in a database
using just myQuery? Or is there a method that checks if a table
exists within a database?

by ewong
Mon 31 Jan 2011 10:12
Forum: MySQL Data Access Components
Topic: MyQuery.SQL.text property and Chinese characters
Replies: 7
Views: 2227

Sorry for talking to myself; but I've done some tests and noticed that
if the sqlstring has this character ('蓋') in it, it chokes. If I remove that
character from the sql string, the insert sql command works.

Unfortunately, I can't do that since it's part of data that needs to
be preserved. Can someone point out how I can preserve this
character, but still have the insert command work?


by ewong
Mon 31 Jan 2011 09:10
Forum: MySQL Data Access Components
Topic: MyQuery.SQL.text property and Chinese characters
Replies: 7
Views: 2227

I think I found out what the problem was.

I have a MySQL table with field of char(31), and the value that is being
copied to is 鑽石寶蓋, then the SQL command fails.

I have not found the solution to this. Will do some testing.

