Best MySQL GUI Tool and IDE You Can Find

Develop, administer, and manage MySQL and MariaDB databases using the dbForge Studio for MySQL tool easily and effortlessly. Refine your skills and master the tool with the helpful resources introduced on the page!

Feature Highlights

MySQL Video Tutorials

Ready to become an advanced user? Complete the training course to see all features in action!

Find the White Papers You Need

Find the White Papers You Need
Types of JOINs in MySQL:
a free brief guide
Discover the different types of JOINs supported by MySQL and understand when to use each. Learn to retrieve records from multiple tables efficiently.
Best practices for writing MySQL queries
Enhance your SQL query writing skills with practical tips, tricks, and guidelines. Apply the essential SQL statements with improved coding proficiency.
Get the whitepaper
Solving test data acquisition challenges
Explore the common challenges of selecting, organizing, and preparing test data for different types of software testing cases.
Get the whitepaper

Ready to get started?

Ready to get started

Download dbForge Studio for MySQL for a free trial today!

Get a free 30-day trial of dbForge Studio to evaluate all of its capabilities hidden under a sleek user interface.
MySQL Studio

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Go with the advanced edition of dbForge Studio and stay at the top of your game from day one!